Planning First
October 20, 2018
Properly planned, the northwest corner of Davis offers an important opportunity for meeting development needs in Davis in a manner that reflects Davis values. Neighborhoods, a natural habitat swale for the Covell drainage, flood water pond storage, edible vegetation, affordable co-housing, senior housing, community gardens, appropriate commercial, and live-work buildings, bordered by protected farmland and open space reflects my values and I believe our Davis values.
Working towards this vision necessitates a General Plan update or a Northwest Specific Plan.
Piecemeal development, focusing on one development at a time, may preclude this important opportunity.
I suggest we delay any immediate decisions until the new council is seated. They can make a thorough, inclusive, and comprehensive decision without a rush to judgement on how we should best proceed.
For full disclosure- Yes, I was a builder and developer and for a time I v.,ras involved in the northwest area. My interest then, as now, was in first ensuring comprehensive planning. I no longer have any involvement or financial ties to this area.
(Originally published June 2018)