Sacramento Region Foundation Sends David Murphy Scholarship Award Monies to Two Colleges for 2018-19 Academic Year
October 17, 2018
The David Murphy Annual Scholarship for Immigrants/their Children
(From Press Release) When David Murphy announced his retirement in 2007 as the Davis superintendent, friends and community members asked him what he would like as a retirement gift.
His request was for contributions towards raising $20,000 to perpetually endow an annual $1,000 scholarship for a graduate of a Davis high school, who was either an immigrant - or son/daughter of an immigrant - and who had demonstrated their academic achievement to be successful in college. He did not expect to reach that goal for several years.
However, the Davis community, colleagues and friends raised over $22,000 in eight weeks during the spring 2007. For twelve years, at least one scholarship has been awarded to at a graduating high school student . The Sacramento Region Foundation administers the David Murphy Scholarship Fund.
In June, 2018, the Fund awarded two scholarships for the 2018-2019 academic year.
The David T. Murphy scholarship was established in memory of David’s grandfather, “Davey” Murphy, an immigrant to the United States and a San Francisco firefighter. David J. Murphy, former Davis High School principal and superintendent of the Davis Joint Unified School District (ret.) is his namesake. Although a successful student, Davey was never able to attend college himself. Nevertheless, he made sure all of his children did. David J. Murphy is deeply grateful for the hard work of his immigrant grandfather and for the support of the Davis Community.