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Let’s Fight for our Future - Vote Abramson

Abramson - A Local Green New Deal for a Healthier Yolo County

Arsenioby Arsenio Ndeve

“My name is Arsenio Ndeve, Plant Pathologist and currently Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis. I was born in Mozambique, a developing country in South-eastern Africa. My interest in Plant Sciences was driven by my understanding that most of the necessary resources for human and animal survival, such as food, water, medicine, energy and shelter, derive directly or indirectly from the Earth. Therefore, sound utilization and management of natural resources is crucial for our and future generations’ existence.

Globally, the pressure on natural resources has increased dramatically due to increasing population growth and lack of effective policies to support sustainable utilization and management of natural resources. Due to the disconnect between communities, research and financial institutions, food growers and policy makers; natural disasters such as high temperature, heavy rain-fall, flooding, water availability, emergence of novel human, animal and plant pest and diseases are likely to occur cyclically.

In Davis (CA), people’s awareness of climate changes indicates that a strong and local community-platform can be assembled to facilitate and coordinate the integration of all components required to develop an action-plan for extensive education, research, financing and sound decision making for resilience and management of natural resources to circumvent the impact of climate changes locally and globally. The Local Green New Deal (LGND) is an excellent initiative driven by the understanding of the local community of the impact of climate change and potential effective strategies for resilience and sound management of natural resources for safer and healthier lifestyle.

Locally, Mr. David Abramson manifested his interest in running for the opening as the Yolo County Supervisor – District 4 to bring a LGND to the county. His outstanding commitment to communal well-being, social equity, good understanding of the impact of politics, research and education on sustainable use of natural resources are some of the evidences that demonstrate his passion to lead a cause of natural importance for the County and elsewhere. His leadership skills and awareness motivated me to address this letter to the Davis Enterprise in support of his run for Yolo County Supervisor.”


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