Provenza is a results oriented policy-maker
Abramson - A Local Green New Deal for a Healthier Yolo County

Provenza is a public servant of the highest order

EnterprisePic (4) - cropI’m voting for Supervisor Jim Provenza to continue his proven record delivering results for all of us in District 4. I agree with Enterprise columnist Bob Dunning’s assessment in his November 2019 column, “Put simply, Jim Provenza is a public servant of the highest order. He is a man of integrity who cares deeply about making this world a better place.”

I have witnessed this as I’ve worked with Provenza on county issues for more than five years. Jim is a local elected official who spearheads innovation and knows how to successfully advocate for those he serves. His policy approach includes both common sense and compassion, and he thoughtfully applies his deep experience to lead the Board on issues involving children, community health and prevention, our neighborhoods, and our environment.

As a mother and grandmother, I’m particularly grateful that Jim’s accomplished so much for children and families — he’s a strong, consistent voice we can count on. Jim’s been supporting our children, families, and local schools from the time he served as a Davis School Board Member, and he carries that commitment with him at the County of Yolo.

Provenza led the groundbreaking effort to include children’s programs in funding from the county cannabis tax. Additionally, he helped direct millions of dollars from State sources to support prevention and intervention in the earliest years when most effective, and he’s worked to improve the quality of child care, engage parents, and continually improve child development in our city and our county.We need Supervisor Jim Provenza to continue to serve Davis and Yol0 County. He’s the best person for the results we need. Please join me in casting your vote for Jim Provenza.

Sandy Uhrhammer



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