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November 2020

Testing..... numbers.... evidence-based decision making. And advice for returning travelers.....

Dear Folks,

How are you doing?  You have a nice Thanksgiving?  Slipping into Christmas and New Year's preparations without missing a beat?  Well.... before you leap too far ahead, I wanted to share a news segment from ABC News that I thought was particularly helpful:

Anyway, here is the ABC segment..... you might want to share it with "a friend" or "your crazy relative" who chose to travel during this Thanksgiving holiday despite warnings not to travel this time from every public health authority in the country: https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/video/millions-returning-home-holiday-travels-74435579.

Also, while we are talking about testing, how come the Yolo County Corona Virus Testing Dashboard shows that we have tested so few people in our county?  I saw the article in the Enterprise that copied the County dashboard here: https://www.davisenterprise.com/local-news/county-closes-out-worst-covid-week-yet/.

Continue reading "Testing..... numbers.... evidence-based decision making. And advice for returning travelers....." »

Post-Election Roundtable with Local Leaders

Unnamed 5Yolo Democratic Socialists of America is hosting a zoom round-table to discuss how local leaders understand the 2020 election results, as well as how this new landscape will affect the political struggles we wage in our respective communities and workplaces.

Featuring Sally Mandujabn, a public education teacher hailing from a long line of organized labor, Dillan Horton, who ran for Davis City Council, and Neetha Iyer, a teaching assistant a head steward at UAW 2865.

There will also be a Q&A portion at the end - we want your input!

You can register for the event at tinyurl.com/YoloDSAElectionRoundtable

Council sub-committee rejects re-appointment of all three No on B Commissioners

1 - City_of_Davis_logoinverted

Sub-committee members Carson and Partida were DISC's most strident supporters on Council

(From press release) On Tuesday, November 24, City of Davis Staff released the Agenda for the December 1 City Council meeting. Item Four concerns recommendations for appointment and re-appointment for City Commissions, with terms starting from January.

2 - DiscoveryThe recommendations are made by a Council sub-committee, newly composed of Mayor Gloria Partida and City Councilmember Dan Carson. (For a few years the sub-committee was now Former Mayor Brett Lee and now Vice-Mayor Lucas Frerichs.)

The appointments and re-appointments apply to 12 of the City’s Commissions, composed of sworn-in volunteers who normally complete two full terms of four years each before being termed-out. Earlier in the fall, current Commissioners - whether they termed out or not - were asked if they wanted to continue to serve. 

Three current Commissioners - Todd Edelman from the Bicycling, Transportation and Street Safety Commission (BTSSC), Alan Pryor from the Natural Resources Commission (NRC), and Matt Williams from the Utilities Commission all expressed a desire to stay. None are recommended for re-appointment by the sub-committee.

Continue reading "Council sub-committee rejects re-appointment of all three No on B Commissioners" »

Holiday travel advice from ABC News..... a particularly good segment

Hey Folks,

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  (Or even a mediocre one, beats "regular Thursday").  

This morning I got up surprisingly early to hear the 7 a.m version of network news, tuning into ABC because they seem to provide more scientific and less hysterical coverage of the coronavirus pandemic.

And they did not disappoint.  They had a very good segment on traveling during a pandemic, recommending getting tested about 4 days after your likely CV exposure and getting tested multiple times to establish a monitoring protocol that deals with the occasional "false negative".  

Speaking of multiple tests, I have been tested 11 times.  Why?  I understand the value of tests.  And again, they do not have to be perfect tests to be useful tests!  There is basically no such thing as the perfect biological test, so get used to dealing with "really good but not perfect" tests.

BTW, I have tested NEGATIVE all 11 times.  Do you suppose that I have more useful information than someone who has not been tested at all?  (If you are going to comment, please do your homework, I am not real patient with casual commentary that is misleading, sometimes deliberately... especially during a public health emergency).

Anyway, here is the ABC segment..... you might want to share it with "a friend" or "your crazy relative" who chose to travel during this Thanksgiving holiday despite warnings not to from every public health authority in the country: https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/video/millions-returning-home-holiday-travels-74435579

Take care,


This came in the email at 5:48 PM yesterday


Dear/Estimado(a)  JOHN TROIDL,                                                                                    

The result of your 11/23/2020 SARS COV-2 COVID19 RNA (COVID19) test was NEGATIVE. You do not currently have COVID-19 infection. Please continue to wear a mask when you leave your house, practice social distancing, and wash your hands frequently.

This letter may be presented to your employer, if needed.

Please contact your primary care provider if you have any questions or concerns. If you do not have a primary care provider and would like more information, please call us at 408-579-6183.



Folks,  I let out a yell "Yessssssssssssss!" when I got those results.  Because I am spending Thanksgiving with my elderly Mom (or better said, she is spending it with me in "Davis Mode") and I wanted to have some evidence that I am not carrying COVID19.  

That was my 9th consecutive NEGATIVE test result and I am grateful to the folks at the Gardner Community Health Center in San Jose when I was down there this week to visit with Mom and prepare our Thanksgiving visit.  

The test was free, no appointment required (walk up), multi-lingual, and the results came back in 48 hours.  I also got a free Santa Clara County Public Health face mask and hand-sanitizer.

Oh, man, I am so grateful this Thanksgiving!





What's all the fuss? To get tested or not.

Dear Folks,

Day before Thanksgiving and it sure is quiet around here.  And will be tomorrow, too.  Just me and Mom and we're gonna have a fine time.  Electronic greetings to others as we stay safe.

Meanwhile, I have heard some more discussion about coronavirus testing.  Seems to be a popular topic, particularly after a HUGE spike in cases, major increase in % positivity, and hospitals getting busy again.  And, oh, yeah, the highest number of Americans in months died from CV yesterday:  > 2,000.

So, what's the deal on testing?

Continue reading "What's all the fuss? To get tested or not." »

A moral test for Thanksgiving......

Dear Folks,

So, there I was in COSTCO #1 shopping very comfortably getting my Thanksgiving stuff when I noticed several shoppers coming out of the back corner of the store with big smiles on their faces and large bags of "30 County Bathroom Tissue" in their shopping carts.   Oh, what's going on?

Oh, yeah, news reports of hoarding.  Toilet paper again.  And paper towels.  And maybe some other stuff.  

So, I went back to the toilet paper area and saw.... NOTHING!  All gone!  Zilch!  Too late!

Oh boy, now what?  I was thinking that we in Troidl-ville might be ok for now but memories of scarcity earlier in the season had me thinking:  "What if I figure out a way to buy a big bag or two of 30 roles?"  Hmmm, I thought, as I talked to the person checking receipts on the way out of the store:  "When is a good time to get TP since you are currently out?"

Continue reading "A moral test for Thanksgiving......" »

Hi Grandma, I'm here to celebrate the holidays with you and NO, I did not get the flu shot! Let me give you a big hug and a kiss on the cheek!

Dear Folks,

Uh, yeah.  If only more people took the "Honesty Pill" and what came out of their mouths was the truth.

But failing widespread distribution of such a pill, we might want to keep an eye on folks, especially those who are members of our family.  

The reality is, if you get the flu shot you will help protect not only yourself, but your family, your friends, your co-workers, people who work at the grocery story, people who work at your doctor's office, people at the Farmers Market, etc etc etc.  (Is this list long enough for you?).

Supposedly there is at least some nominal belief in this country in "Love thy neighbor as thyself"..... and even if you don't love yourself enough to get the flu shot you should at least take care of the other members of your family and vastly reduce your odds of getting and spreading this potentially lethal respiratory illness to them.

So where do you find out information about the flu shot?  How about the Yolo County Department of Public Health website?  What?  You have not gone to the website yet?  You are not familiar with it?  Would it help if I told you they were handing out free stuff there?  Well, go look!

Continue reading "Hi Grandma, I'm here to celebrate the holidays with you and NO, I did not get the flu shot! Let me give you a big hug and a kiss on the cheek!" »

Finding ways to work together

Celebration-of-abraham-logoThe Celebration of Abraham thanks the Davis-Area Interfaith Religious Leaders Network (DAIR-LN) for offering a ZOOM Interfaith Prayer for a More Perfect Union on Monday, November 2. The service, the night before the national election, featured Davis faith leaders offering reflections, music, and readings for our country and our community. The faith leaders focused on three themes: Be kind. Be strong. Stay together. Our community needed to hear the message and we need to hold the service in our heart as we go forward. For those of you who would like to revisit the service, DAIR-LN has posted the service on their Facebook page. 

To continue efforts to find ways to work together, on behalf of the Celebration of Abraham, I invite you to be part of our interfaith community conversation, as we Celebrate the 18th Annual Celebration of Abraham: “An interfaith perspective on the practice of humility in difficult times.”  on January 31, at 3:00 p.m. With the on-going COVID restrictions, this will be a virtual event, held via Zoom webinar beginning with excellent speakers from the three Abrahamic faiths. We are continuing to work on the format, and we will include a moderated panel where participants can ask questions.

Let’s continue the dialogue among our faith communities! To sign up for updates on the planning, email [email protected].

Again thank you to DAIR-LN for providing calm and centering the night before the election,

Helen Roland, President

Celebration of Abraham

County sponsored drive thru flu shot available (free) today!!

Dear Folks,

Someone from the Yolo Health Department sent me this information yesterday p.m. and I am sharing it with you today.

There are a couple of reasons to get the flu shot:

  1.  It helps prevent you from getting the flu and even if you get the flu after taking the flu shot the shot can moderate your symptoms.
  2.  It is free
  3.  You will reduce your risk of contracting a respiratory disease (the flu) while another respiratory disease (the coronavirus) is circulating.  You DON'T want to have both diseases and that is known to be possible!
  4. You will help keep your family and friends ***  safer if you help prevent the flu by getting the shot.

*** Co-workers, the public.... anybody you come in contact with!

Please note that it takes 10-14 days for the flu shot to become fully effective.  It is NOT instant!  If you get exposed to the flu AFTER you get the shot but BEFORE the shot has powered up your immune system, you CAN STILL GET THE FLU.  Plan accordingly, my friends.  I got the flu shot a few weeks ago and I am now immune.  It's NEVER too late as the flu season goes on for months!

So, please check this out and consider going to get the flu shot this afternoon.  I'd arrive early so that you are more likely to get the shot before they run out.



PS  You may notice if you go to the link that this is the last date listed for getting the County provided free flu shot.  I cannot imagine that this is not going to be updated.... given how popular these flu shot fairs has been..... with more dates.  I suggest you ask your County Supervisor about that.  Or Brian Vaughn, the Yolo County Public Health Director:

Brian Vaughn, MPH
Public Health Director
Community Health Branch (Courier #16CH)
Yolo County Health & Human Services Agency
Email: brian.vaughn@yolocounty.org
Phone: (530) 666-8771




Drive thru flu shots tomorrow:



 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

 University Covenant Church
 315 Mace Blvd, Davis
 At the same time/place as the Yolo Food Bank distribution

 Drive-thru site
 Flyer: English | Spanish


A Discussion with Davis Mayor Gloria Partida

With a chance to ask questions

By Matt Williams

On Friday, November 20th, at noon, Davis Mayor Gloria Partida will discuss the issues of the day and then take questions from the public. The webinar is free and open to the public. Please register in advance. To join us please sign up here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kswA1_FqRoG1VYL6S-FuQw

Davisite readers can post questions for the Mayor here in this thread that they feel will be good ones to have addressed during the webinar.  The questions posted here will be forwarded to the Mayor.  Presubmitting question(s) will give the Mayor time to consider her answer(s), as well as give webinar attendees an idea about the topics their neighbors are interested in.

For example, one question might be as follows:  “Gloria, the residents of District 4 voted “No” on Measure B by a 3,591 to 2,328 margin.  That is 60.7% against and only 39.3% for Measure B. What are your thoughts about that outcome?”

Another question might be “Gloria, 14,341 people voted in the three Council elections on November 3rd, and in those same three districts 15,110 people voted on Measure B … a 5% higher turnout than the Council candidates got.  What are your take-aways from those results?”

Democracy works best when citizens actively participate.  So, here is a chance for everyone to participate.

Board of Supervisors Meeting tomorrow a.m.. And is COVID-19 on the agenda?

Why, yes, it is, right here in Items 31 and 34!

General Government
County Administrator
    30.   Action items and reports from the County Administrator. (Blacklock)
    31.   Receive update and consider any actions needed to support the COVID-19, a virus in the Coronavirus family, response and recovery strategies. (No general fund impact) (Blacklock)
    32.   Introduce by title only, waive first reading, and receive public comment on a proposed ordinance amending existing restrictions on industrial hemp cultivation, manufacturing, processing, storage, and related activities, and continue the ordinance to the December 15, 2020 Board of Supervisors meeting for a second reading and adoption, or introduce by title only, waive first reading, and receive public comment on a proposed ordinance banning industrial hemp cultivation, manufacturing, processing, storage, and related activities (excepting exemptions adopted previously), and continue the ordinance to the December 15, 2020 Board of Supervisors meeting for a second reading and adoption. (No general fund impact) (Nunes/Will)
    33.   Receive presentation on Leinberger Replacement Project and consider actions needed to continue the project as planned. (No general fund impact) (Blacklock/Will)
Financial Services
    34.   Receive update on the CARES Act Expenditure Plan for Yolo County, authorize the County Administrator to execute CARES Act Subrecipient Agreements with the cities of Davis and Woodland for business support programs and activities, and authorize the County Administrator to modify the Subrecipient Agreement with West Sacramento to increase the funding amount for homeless activities. (No general fund impact) (Rinde/Haynes)


So, what's this about "business support programs and activities?

Sounds interesting!!



Is it time to freak out yet?

No, how would that possibly help!

We have been here before...... it is just time to tighten up.  The coronavirus numbers were shooting up too fast all over the State, including Yolo County.  The State is "tapping the breaks"... well, maybe even a little bit more than that.  But it does not mean we should freak out.

You know the things to do personally:  

  1.  Limit your exposure to anyone who may have the coronavirus.
  2.  Wash your hands.
  3.  Get sleep, exercise, and eat properly.
  4.  Be kind to other people.
  5.  Wear the damn mask like a proud American!
  6.  Get tested for the coronavirus and......


I just listened to the emergency press conference of the Santa Clara County Health Department and officials there were saying, "We have been here before, we can do this" and reminding people of the importance of getting the flu shot to avoid complicating your life and our health system with dual viral attacks.  The Santa Clara County Health Department is going to have a Flu Shot Health Fair this Saturday...... and they do not require appointment, physician authorization and they do not charge anything.  (I got my flu shot a few weeks ago as did my Mom...... just sayin').

So, don't freak out.  Be prudent..... and if you have plans to travel for Thanksgiving, cancel them.  It's not worth the risk.... especially when there is a promise of a vaccine ahead and better days.

Take care people and be kind!


Separate dashboards........ huh?

Dear Folks,

Good morning.  Hope you enjoyed a restful and rewarding week-end.

In my "environmental scanning" of articles about the pandemic, I came across an interesting piece in the Davis Vanguard recently written by Madison Forwood on/titled  "Healthy Davis Together"  I would recommend this article as it gave a useful review of that program.

One element that particularly caught my eye was the final two paragraphs:

Councilmember Dan Carson stated, “I am particularly excited about the Healthy Davis Together Partners Program, I think you are tapping into downtown and Chamber really well to help in these efforts because not only are they good at communication but they are a trusted source of communication to our local businesses…We are all impressed with the wide variety of things you are undertaking here. I think it’s going to make us a safer community, no question.”

However, Carson also raised a concern, stating, “You are doing so well on the numbers, but I think when I counted it was five or six clicks through websites to try and get to your dashboard and your numbers. The contrast I would give you is the Yolo County Coronavirus website. It’s one click and you are there with all of the numbers. If you could make your numbers easier to navigate, I think it would be helpful to all of you.” 

Here Dan Carson is obviously comparing the apparently less accessible UC Davis Public Facing CV Dashboard to the Yolo County Public Health Department version which is easier to navigate.

Which raises a question for me that has come up over and over:  Why does UC Davis have a separate, distinct, different Public Facing Coronavirus Dashboard at all?  From training and research in public health I know that the organization of data sources, data flows, and data displays can be complicated at the same time that it is very, very important for both communication and decision making purposes.  Especially in the midst of a pandemic!  So, why have two different dashboards with different display and presumably different data management protocols?

Can somebody help me understand why UCD has a SEPARATE public dashboard?



PS  Don't want to miss Carson's positive comment about the Partners Program.  Noted!

Dining at French Laundry......

Dear Folks,

Don't know about you, but I have never dined at French Laundry. 

This is how Lonely Planet describes this outstanding restaurant:

The pinnacle of California dining, Thomas Keller’s three-Michelin-star rated French Laundry is epic, a high-wattage culinary experience on par with the world’s best. Book one month ahead on the online app Tock, where tickets are released in groupings. This is the meal you can brag about the rest of your life.

Yes, as I said, I have never been there *** But our Governor has.  And recently.  He and the wife went to a birthday party for one of his "advisors".  Who is also a lobbyist.  Jason Kinney.  Turned 50.  Hmmm...... 

And there were so many people (a dozen) there from so many different households that they violated the guidelines from the California Department of Public Health.

Oh my!  What's up with that?

Continue reading "Dining at French Laundry......" »

LWV hosts forum on California health-care reform

LWV-DavisJoin the League of Women Voters Davis Area on Wednesday, Nov. 18 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. for a free virtual voter-education health-care forum, “The Future of State-Based Health Reform in California.

With health-care reform back in the news, the event will consider what California can implement a state-based financing approach to a system that provides universal care, controls costs and improves outcomes.

Dr. William Hsiao, an internationally known health economist at the Harvard T. H. Chan School Public Health, will give a 25-minute presentation on the health, economic and political background for reform and his views of how to move ahead with a single-payer plan in California.

Cindy Young, a leader in the California single-payer movement with more than 30 years of experience as a policy analyst for organized labor, will comment on Dr. Hsiao’s views and offer her own perspective.

Continue reading "LWV hosts forum on California health-care reform" »

Was it like Don Corleone said in "The Godfather"..... an "offer he cannot refuse"?

Hello Folks,

My dear friend Brian recently got married and when we were chatting for my birthday this week, he invited me over to dinner at his home in Sacramento with his new wife Pennie.  He is a high school buddy and we have had a wonderful friendship ever since our Freshman year in high school when we were both on the Track Team at a Bay Area high school.

So, I was really interested in his invitation.

But I thought.... "Better ask him a couple of questions first".  So, I did.

ME:          Brian, did you or anyone else in the wedding party get sick after your wedding?  

BRIAN:   Not that I know of.  

Hmmm, ok.  that's good news. Sort of.  Kind of qualified, though.  But still, on the positive ledger.

And then,

ME:        Brian, have you gotten tested for the coronavirus?  

BRIAN:  No, dadgumit, I have tried to get tested at my health care provider *** but they say I do not qualify!


ME:        Well, you HAVE gotten the flu shot, haven't you?  That's pretty available now.

BRIAN:  To be honest John, I have not done that before, so no I have not gotten the flu shot this year, but I AM thinking about it.

BOOM!  Knocked me back on my feet.  Here is my dear friend, someone I have been good buddies with for OVER 50 years asking me for a first dinner at his home with his new wife (and I hear she is a good cook!) to celebrate my birthday and I REALLY wanted to go!

So, what did I tell Brian?  (Please note:  Brian knows I am spending a fair amount of time caring for my 91 year old Mother in her condo nearby).

Continue reading "Was it like Don Corleone said in "The Godfather"..... an "offer he cannot refuse"? " »

Valley Clean Energy Completes Repayment to Smud

VCE(From press release) Valley Clean Energy (VCE), Yolo County’s local public electric generation service provider, continues to make significant fiscal strides just 2½ years after its founding.

In October, VCE made its final installment payment to the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), reimbursing the utility for its assistance with operating services during VCE’s launch in 2018. The $1.5 million in deferred charges and interest were paid off on schedule, which demonstrates VCE’s financial discipline while continuing to offer clean electricity at competitive rates.

Continue reading "Valley Clean Energy Completes Repayment to Smud " »

6.15% vs 3.7%....... what do these numbers mean?

Dear Folks,

That's the "Test positivity" rate of Yolo County @ 6.15%  (as of a few minutes ago) vs the 10 counties of the Bay Area that are at 3.7%.  

It helps explain a few things..... on the news in the Bay Area is a new warning from the collective Bay Area Public Health Departments.... they are saying "If you are going to travel outside of the Bay Area for the holidays please check the % positivity rate of your destination before you go and decide accordingly".

And they add that if you go to a high positivity area, please self-quarantine for 14 days after you come back.

Continue reading "6.15% vs 3.7%....... what do these numbers mean?" »

Why is Napa County doing so much better than Yolo County on the coronavirus "war"?

Dear Folks,

As Yolo County is on the precipice of going in the wrong direction (from the Red Tier to the Purple Tier), we might pause and wonder:  Why is Napa County doing so much better than us?

They are firmly in the Orange Tier.

Well, maybe we can look at the dashboards for each county and see what we can find:

Continue reading "Why is Napa County doing so much better than Yolo County on the coronavirus "war"?" »