A rare compilation of photographs and images of the historic Davis Arch
September 19, 2021
(From press release) Enjoy a rare compilation of photographs and images of the historic Davis Arch. When scrolling through the images, please pay attention to the captions for each.
Included below is a brief history of the creation and ultimately the destruction of the Davis Arch that includes the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce and the Women's Improvement Club. It is interesting to note that the Chamber still puts on occasional cleanup days, a tradition as old as the chamber itself.
See the individual photo captions to learn more about the rise and fall of the arch as well as its revival in multiple murals and other media.
An excerpt from "Davisville '68 The History and Heritage of the City of Davis":
On May 20th, members of the Chamber of Commerce served as local hosts to Governor Pardee and State Farm Commissioners on a tour of six proposed sites in Yolo County. Representatives from Woodland and Davisville, united by the desire to bring the University Farm to their County, cooperated in providing an escort to the visiting dignitaries. An additional stop at LaRue's Arlington Farm, though not a prospective site, emphasized the potential of the Davis area for diversified agriculture.
The board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce met in the following week and called for the community to support a new sewer system, new sidewalks, and a general clean-up of the town. June 3rd was set as the first of many community "Cleanup" Days. The Chamber also urged the ladies of Davisville to form a Women's Improvement Club, which they did on June 16, 1905, headed by daughters of two pioneer families. Jennie Drummond Lillard Read served as chairman, and Miss Maude Russell was named secretary. This early organization enjoyed a long history of community service.
Foremost among their accomplishments was construction of the Davis Arch, originally planned in 1906 as a welcoming beacon to students at the University Farm. A shortage of funds delayed completion of the archway at Second and G Streets until the fall of 1916, when Cal Aggie students themselves helped to finish it. Presiding over dedication ceremonies, in October, 1916, Forrest A. Plant referred to an earlier time when students and townspeople were not in too close sympathy, but stated, "Those old days have passed, the reverse in now happily true, and the unity of action in the building of the arch was a demonstration of the new spirit of good will—a monument dedicated to the town and UC Farm students alike." This symbol of unity of campus and community soon became an extreme hazard to increasing automobile traffic, however, and was removed in the 1920's.
Submitted by the Hattie Weber Museum.
A book could also be written title: "A Sociology of Preservation Successes."
Who wants to start the list and why put it on the list?
Posted by: Nancy Price | September 19, 2021 at 07:16 AM
If G street remains closed for part of the block between second and third it would be a perfect place to rebuild the Davis Arch. Putting the arch on G at Third street would help define the car free zone. It would be a massive improvement over the cement blocks there now.
What a statement too. The original arch was removed to make way for cars. Returning the arch as part of a car free street makes perfect sense.
Alternatively, it could be placed at the south end of the car free area and be only just around the corner from the original placement, and right next to where the arch mural was for so many years.
In any case, I very much appreciate these Davis history stories coming from the Hattie Weber Museum and Aaron Wedra.
Posted by: Colin Walsh | September 19, 2021 at 07:30 AM
Bring back the arch!
Seems like these things used to be more common in cities.
The design (and former location) for the one in Davis seemed particularly well-suited.
Posted by: Ron O | September 19, 2021 at 09:46 AM
Though I am not a "fan" of keeping G Street closed to traffic, nor am I a fan of restaurants "commandeering" parking spaces for their own, private use.
Both irritate me beyond measure, whenever and wherever I see this type of thing. It is a privatization of public space.
Regardless, I suspect that an arch might be designed and placed in a manner which doesn't cause significant problems. Especially at an intersection which has 4-way stop signs.
On another note, I found the following citation from the article amusing and somewhat ironic:
"Presiding over dedication ceremonies, in October, 1916, Forrest A. Plant referred to an earlier time when students and townspeople were not in too close sympathy, but stated, "Those old days have passed, the reverse in now happily true, and the unity of action in the building of the arch was a demonstration of the new spirit of good will—a monument dedicated to the town and UC Farm students alike."
Posted by: Ron O | September 19, 2021 at 11:30 AM
Parking of private vehicles in public space for no fee is far worse than a semi-public use like a restaurant using it to generate business (and taxes) and mirth, etc.
Posted by: Todd Edelman | September 19, 2021 at 09:44 PM
This thing was ugly and whatever: Fake gates like this are the last hurrah of walled castles and that we see versions in various recent pricey housing developments in Mace Ranch should be telling.
I would be happy if it was never removed, but whatever.
Don't we all hate the generic banners hanging from light poles that would say things like "Davis Downtown"? Again, so very whatever.
If we want to Town the Gown or vice-versa in the best way as a solid defeat of whatever-ism, let's have some electronic sign in the center announcing good things and bad things.
Good things could be opening of new affordable housing or university or high school sports teams winning games... or huge medical corporations being defeated by volunteers... or the Ghost of Progressive Past scaring various people out of town... bad things would be the number of apartments without HVAC that protects against viruses or wildfire smoke, or bikes stolen from rental housing without proper bicycle parking.
Posted by: Todd Edelman | September 19, 2021 at 10:29 PM
Todd: Streets are generally used to "pass through" a given area, and the businesses and residences which line them are often not a destination in-and-of themselves.
Streets and parking spaces don't belong to the businesses (or residences) which line them. But when the city agrees to close them for the benefit of those businesses, they're prioritizing private business over the broader public use of those streets. They're also telling businesses that they no longer have to provide space for their own customers, as the government (taxpayers) will do it for them. It's essentially a form of corruption.
Regarding the arch, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's certainly been the subject of artwork, and was a symbol for those entering the town and onward to the "University Farm" from the train station. Personally, I think it was one of the more attractive arches that I've seen. It was not really a "gate", as it was not possible to "close" it.
Hard to believe that cars were crashing into it, as there appeared to be plenty of room for them to pass through. (Not to mention the fact that it was a totally stationary object, and didn't dart-out into the path of cars.) Maybe folks weren't so used to driving, in those early days.
Posted by: Ron O | September 20, 2021 at 09:45 PM
Gosh, G St looks like a crime scene but not even a cool retro gate would make closing it any longer a good thing. Non-restaurant businesses on the 200 block of G Street out number restaurants and bars > 2:1 (24 retail, consulting or other businesses, 11 restaurant/bars). Many of these businesses are locally owned and have endured over a year of reduced revenue by the street closure and a diminishing customer base because of it. Most of the restaurants are not locally owned. The outdoor seating had made jackpots for the restaurants and bars, in some cases tripling their seating but most of their business doesn’t start until after 5pm, after normal workday hours. The TUP’s were issued during “emergency” times but they’ve created another emergency all together- an inequitable restaurant takeover on G St. And this doesn’t address the homeless, either. Not many people are talking about this. For anyone wanting to take a closer look, it’s not a harmonious party on G St. Let’s start this conversation and speak up for the locally owned retail businesses on G, please.
Posted by: Adele | September 21, 2021 at 09:53 PM
Adele, if you want to write up something on the issue you raise (short or long) we’d be happy to post it. It would get more attention as a new article.
Posted by: Roberta L. Millstein | September 22, 2021 at 03:01 AM
Adele brings up some other important points, and I would (also) look forward to an article should she choose to submit one.
As she notes, street (and parking space) closures benefit some businesses, but disadvantage others. It also impacts traffic (and parking) on other (non-closed) streets.
Then there's the question of fairness regarding restaurants located "outside" of the closure area, which don't receive the benefit of the privatization of public space.
Posted by: Ron O | September 22, 2021 at 09:22 AM
I am honestly shocked by the astonishingly pessimistic understanding that people have about what a downtown urban core should be. 1) By closing the street there is much more space fore people to dine and enjoy themselves- which is a good thing. 2) By closing the street, people dining and walking don't have listen to road noise from cars and breathe exhaust fumes- which is a good thing 3) The street is only "closed" in the sense that you can't drive through it or park on it. You can still walk, bike, sit, chat, or hang out with friends along the street. How is that "the privatization of public space"? You can't drive through central park or park your car on the lawn of central park. Is that then a privatized space? No, it is just space that is devoted to people outside of their car, just like on G street. 4) Are people using cars really that inconvenienced by the closure of G street? The end result is that what? You have to drive one block over because G street is closed? Or you have to park in one of many downtown parking lots/garages? Does that really cancel out all the benefits of having the street prioritize people walking and dining? Personally I don't think so.
Posted by: Ryan Foster | June 26, 2022 at 02:27 AM
Ryan: How is that privatization of public space?
My response: I think you answered your own question:
Ryan: By closing the street there is much more space for people to dine . . .
By closing the street, people dining . . ."
My response: My opinion is that restaurants should be providing their own space for their own customers, rather than take-over the public sphere.
Posted by: Ron O | June 26, 2022 at 09:02 AM