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September 2022

Zip trackby Janet and Joe Krovoza

By now pretty much everyone following city matters knows of the public follies of the Arroyo Park Sky Track.

That it was installed in Arroyo Park in May 2019, steps from neighbors’ homes, with no public demand, no notice and no Rec and Park Commission review; that the city was forced to restrict hours of use and lock and unlock it daily (using city firefighters at first) to prevent nighttime use, when the Sky Track’s abrasive banging and scraping were especially disruptive (but which led to repeat vandalism); that a noise report commissioned later that summer was doctored to show the city’s noise limits as “averages” not “maximums” but never retracted; that, out of the blue, on the eve of Memorial Day weekend 2021, staff asked city council to overhaul the city’s noise regulations so that the Sky Track would comply with the new standards (ignominiously removing the request from the agenda four days later due to community outcry); that the city ordered a subsequent noise study that showed the Sky Track had been breaking both night and day noise limits since its installation (this study, too, deliberately misrepresenting the municipal code); and that the city has, at the urging of its paid consultants – sound engineers, not lawyers – reinterpreted the noise ordinance (recall they failed in May 2021 to legitimately amend it) to justify the Sky Track remaining in Arroyo Park.

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Biberstein Social Action Fund Grants Available

20th Annual Request for Proposals; proposals due October 28, 2022

(From press release) Nonprofit organizations are invited to submit applications to the Biberstein Social Action Fund for grants in support of projects addressing poverty, discrimination, abuse and neglect issues in Yolo County.

The Biberstein Social Action Fund was established in 2002 by the Board of Directors of Congregation Bet Haverim to honor Ernie and Hannah Biberstein, who are among the founding members of CBH, and who devoted much of their lives to community service and social justice. Hannah passed away in April 2011. 2022 marks the 20th Anniversary of the Fund, and, even more importantly, Ernie’s 100th birthday in November.

The goal of the annual awards made from the Biberstein Social Action Fund is to help Yolo County organizations in their efforts to meet unfulfilled needs. “In light of all the budget cuts in social services, we hope that grants like ours can make a difference,” Hannah Biberstein had said. “It means a lot to us that real individuals benefit from our grants.” Special consideration is given to new and/or innovative projects.

An annual Request for Proposals is released in the fall every year. Grants ranging from $500 to $2,000 are awarded each November. A committee of Bet Haverim congregants reviews grant applications.  Current Biberstein Fund committee members are congregants Ernie Biberstein, Anne Gieseke, Amy Abramson, Sandy Jones, Joan Sublett, and Shoshana Zatz.

Information about the Biberstein Award, including a link to the application, is available on the CBH website: https://www.bethaverim.org/engage/committees/biberstein-social-action-fund/

Grant proposals must be submitted no later than October 28, 2022. Questions may be directed to the Biberstein Social Action Fund at: [email protected]. Awards will be announced in December, 2022.

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Donate to the Biberstein Social Action Fund

In Honor of its 20th Anniversary and Ernie’s 100th Birthday!

Biberstein donations(From press release) The Biberstein Social Action Fund was established in 2002 by the Board of Directors of Congregation Bet Haverim to honor Ernie and Hannah Biberstein, who are among the founding members of CBH, and who devoted much of their lives to community service and social justice. The goal of the Biberstein Fund is to recognize and support the work of organizations dedicated to the alleviation of poverty, discrimination, abuse and neglect in our local area (Yolo County). An annual Call for Proposals is released each September*. Grants ranging from $500 to $2,000 are awarded in December. Since 2002, the Biberstein Social Action Fund has contributed close to $200,000 to local social action organizations. (https://www.bethaverim.org/engage/committees/biberstein-social-action-fund/)

2022 marks the 20th Anniversary of the Fund, and, even more importantly, Ernie’s 100th birthday in November. In honor of this momentous occasion, we invite special contributions to be made to the Fund. Using the link below, please check the “Donations to Specialized Funds” box and make a contribution in any amount to the “Biberstein Social Action Fund”. (https://www.bethaverim.org/donate/).

If you prefer to mail a check, pay by cash or use a credit card over the phone, please contact the CBH office for further instructions at [email protected] or 530-758-0842.

Join us in wishing Ernie a very happy 100th Birthday and in celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Fund created to support the Bibersteins’ lifetime dedication to Tikkun Olam.

*A group of Bet Haverim Partners reviews grant applications.  Current Biberstein Fund members are congregants Ernie Biberstein, Amy Abramson, Anne Gieseke, Sandy Jones, Joan Sublett, and Shoshana Zatz. Ex-officio: Rabbi Bess Wohlner and Rabbi Jeremy Simons.

Why DiSC matters for the City Council election

Some of DiSC’s proponents called it a tiny city. That suggests it is a microcosm of Davis as a whole and all of the issues it faces.

DCC with DiSC in background-2By Roberta Millstein

In a recent interview with the Davis Enterprise, Gloria Partida said that “I know that people right now are very focused on what happened with Measure H” but that being a member of Council is “not a one-issue job.”

However, Measure H represents a large number of central and key issues that future Davis City Councils will have to weigh in on.  It would have been bad for Davis in variety of ways, as Davis citizens widely recognized when they rejected the project by an almost 2-1 margin. 

Thus, a candidate’s stance on Measure H speaks volumes about their values and how they would govern.  Gloria Partida (District 4), Dan Carson (District 1), and Bapu Vaitla (District 1)  were strongly in favor of Measure H.  In contrast, Kelsey Fortune (District 1) and Adam Morrill (District 4) strongly opposed Measure H.

As the No on Measure H campaign emphasized in its ballot arguments and campaign literature, each of the following issues was relevant to the proposed project. In no particular order:

Continue reading "Why DiSC matters for the City Council election" »

Davis Deserves Better than Carson

Carson-doesnt-work-for-DavisBy Scott Steward

I hope District 1 voters agree that Dan Carson has not earned a second term on the City Council.

If you were for a Davis Innovation and Sustainability Center (Measure H), then you should know Dan Carson's lawsuit, against fellow Davis residents opposed to Measure H, (a lawsuit which Carson technically lost), was such an obvious attack on Davis civil engagement that the lawsuit alone sunk Measure H.

If you were for Davis energy independence, then you should know that Dan Carson led the closed door effort to allow BrightNight to control Davis land rights for $50,000 dollars a year, when the solar project lifetime electricity value for the site was estimated to be $120 million. No one, including Dan Carson, Brett Lee or any city employee examining deal had commercial solar development experience.

The Davis Utility Commission voted (5 to 2) to have the City walk away from the BrightNight deal. Davis solar and energy experts condemned the decision. Public pleas to rescind were ignored and publicly rebuked by Dan Carson. (Davis Enterprise April 21, 2020)

The solar BrightNight fiasco and the Measure H lawsuit have caused much spilled ink, lawyer fees, and lost opportunity. Dan Carson's actions invoked the unprecedented condemnation of seven former Mayors: Krovoza, Davis, Corbett, Greenwald, Wagstaff, Evans, and Kopper. (Davis Enterprise April 27, 2020 and May 18, 2022)

Carson continues to insist that his experience, as a former Budget Analyst for the State of California, should pave the way for all to accept his good judgement. Except the record shows, Dan Carson does not have good judgement and does not respect shared decision making.

It's time for District 1 to have a different representative. Candidates Kelsey Fortune and Bapu Vaitla are excellent candidates. Please don't vote for Carson.

Davis youth strike to protest lack of climate emergency planning by city

(From press release) Youth leaders from Yolo County led a colorful all-ages march today in central Davis to protest the city’s failure to address the climate emergency. The marchers made their way from the library to central park and the city hall, mirroring thousands of actions across the world on September 23 organized by the #FridaysforFuture movement.

The young marchers denounced the city council and administration for their failure to listen to the demands of young people and for not giving them a seat at the table in the planning and delivery of the city’s new Climate Action and Adaptation Plan.

“We young people are the most impacted by climate change and yet our demands for action and change have consistently fallen on deaf ears in the City of Davis,” said Eliot Larson, coordinator of Fridays for Future Davis.


Continue reading "Davis youth strike to protest lack of climate emergency planning by city" »

Letter: Fortune is the only progressive-environmentalist running for Council in District 1

Kelsey Fortune

There is only one progressive and environmentalist running for Davis City Council in District 1.  That person is Kelsey Fortune. I had the opportunity to speak privately with Kelsey for more than an hour on a Zoom call. I was impressed with her intellect and her planned approach to city-wide issues. Kelsey believes in diversity, honesty and transparency, the last of which has been missing in our current council. Kelsey will also be a strong advocate for affordable housing and in-fill development projects.

But let’s look at the other two candidates. Dan Carson and Bapu Vaitla supported the Davis Innovation Sustainability Campus, Measure H.  Davis citizens disapproved this project 64% to 36%, which political scientists define as a landslide defeat. Carson was the honorary chair of the Measure H campaign which had lawn signs that implausibly read “combat climate change” – for a project that predicted 12,000 daily vehicle trips. What do these facts tell us? Carson and Vaitla are out of touch with the Davis electorate.

In a recent Sierra Club questionnaire to city council candidates, Bapu Vaitla stated that he would consider overturning the City’s phase-out of glyphosate, which is the primary ingredient in Roundup, an herbicide made by Monsanto and now Bayer. Here’s Vaitla’s quote: “If no effective organic herbicides exist for our context, we should reconsider the glyphosate question.” None of the other four candidates made this risky claim. In 2020, Bayer agreed to settle over 100,000 Roundup lawsuits, agreeing to pay $8.8 to $9.6 billion to settle those claims.

If elected, Kelsey Fortune will focus on our climate emergency, work on the city’s budget to make it sustainable and will help ensure that every decision the city makes is fiscally responsible.

For decades, the Davis City Council has had a progressive-environmental majority. Unfortunately, the current council has swung to the center-right. We need to get back on track. Please join me on November 8, or earlier, and vote for Kelsey Fortune for Davis City Council, District 1.

David L. Johnson

Leadership change for Arts Alliance Davis

Autumn Labbé-Renault of Davis Media Access, left, ended her four-year term as Arts Alliance Davis chair on Sept. 20. Shelly Gilbride of International House Davis took the reins. (Wendy Weitzel/Courtesy photo)

By Wendy Weitzel

Members of the arts community met on Sept. 20 for the first in-person gathering of Arts Alliance Davis since the pandemic started. They shared details on how their organizations are regrouping, and the work they are doing to help Davis and Yolo County community members recover.

It was an occasion of transition for the group’s leadership as well. Shelly Gilbride, executive director of International House Davis is the new chair, filling a role held for four years by Autumn Labbé-Renault, executive director of Davis Media Access.

Arts Alliance Davis was formed a few years ago as a grassroots effort to give artists and their supporters the opportunity to gather, share ideas and create meaningful impact. Meetings, held at least quarterly at local arts-related establishments, are open to anyone. Gilbride plans to survey members about meeting times, then set a schedule for the next year.

Rachel Hartsough, the City of Davis’ arts and culture manager, said she was grateful for Labbé-Renault’s leadership during the pandemic. She helped orchestrate an Arts Alliance advocacy effort that ultimately led the City Council to allocate federal recovery funds to the local nonprofit arts and culture sector.

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Morrill Has the Davis Values and Skill Set our Council Needs Now

6a017d3c4588ca970c02a308d936d2200c-600wiAdam Morrill is perfect for our city council, and the time we need him is now. The core task of serving on city council is overseeing the efficient and principled running of our city. This means making sure our roads and parks are maintained, that we fund the level of police and fire service we need (not more, not less), and that we approve development projects that match our values. Adam is a professional in city services, 25-year resident as a student (service as a Unitrans driver and OA raft guide even), husband and father -- and fully understands the responsibility of making our dollars last. He wants fewer costly consultants and better pay to retain our staff. He's open, thoughtful, analytical and caring. Solutions, not platitudes, make up his DNA.

To The Davis Enterprise, Adam observed that our
urrent council is “detached from the public.” That’s spot on. Our current council is out of touch, doesn't lead, nor does it provide meaningful oversight of senior staff. Staff propose actions, and the council almost always goes along. Cases in point: every council member loved the peripheral DiSC development, but it went down in flames when we voted. The council even put DiSC on the ballot before mapping out the revenue sharing; by then, of course, the county had the lion's share of leverage and the resulting finances were completely skewed against us. That’s unthinkable -- knowing the finances before putting anything on the ballot is a simple issue no council member should miss. Then there was the 2020 BrightNight decision where we gave a no-bid, long-term sweetheart lease of city land to untested solar speculators (U.S. headquarters a residence in El Dorado Hills!). Zero oversight there. No neighborhood notice whatsoever before putting the obnoxious Sky Track in Arroyo Park -- council didn't care and they are still throwing good money after bad to defend poor staff work. Adam’s opponent voted yes for all of these travesties and was our mayor for the first two mentioned.

Adam has the experience, perspectives and conviction to serve the city he, his wife, Nicole (UC Davis staff), and children (Davis High and St. James) love. He’ll serve us well. Heck, being an AYSO referee might even be the best training ever for council – know the rules, apply them fairly, and give back! Without a single reservation, I endorse Adam Morrill for the District 4 (Central/East Davis) city council seat. Change will be good.

Joe Krovoza

Mayor, 2011-2014

Not Just Rain Falling - Campaign Signs Too!


>>from press release<<

You may have seen some No on H signs popping up around town over the past few days. The No on H campaign, rather than throw away or recycle their campaign signs, provided those signs for Kelsey Fortune’s reuse, since she was the only candidate in District 1 to oppose Measure H. This is a candidate who is walking the walk with her campaign. Her care for the environment isn’t just a talking point, but actually influences her choices during the process. Instead of creating additional plastic waste, this campaign for city council is simply covering old signs with compostable posters. The much appreciated rain has hastened the breakdown process and revealed the signs beneath. Please excuse the surprise change in signage!

We’ll be replacing signs this week. If your sign didn’t stand up to the rain or otherwise needs replacing, please reach Kelsey by text at 530-220-2001 or email at [email protected], and we’ll make sure to bring you a new one! You can also contact her if you don’t yet have a sign and would like one, and further information is available at www.fortunefordavis.com!

Welcome to Al's Corner - "Pouring Gasoline on the Dumpster Fire of Davis Politics" - Volume #12

image from www.sparkysonestop.com

Al's Corner is a space for YOU to comment on local issues.  What is stopping you?  Huh?
.   [See "Pages" --> "Al's Corner - What It Is" for Rulez.]

Call For Action on Sept. 23rd Global Climate Strike

Resized_Copia_de_GCS_Announcement_Graphics_-_1_400960667076094(From press release)

Dear Community Members. 

Three years ago, in September of 2019, Davis participated in the first Global Climate Strike with nearly 2000 youth and adults alike demanding climate action. This year, Fridays For Future Davis is inviting you to join us again to fight for all of our future. On September 23rd 2022 at 11am we will march from E 14th and B Street down to Central Park. We are asking students across Davis to walk out of school and adults to walk out of work and join this international movement to demand we have a livable future. 

At the 2019 school strike for climate action we delivered a letter of climate action demands to the Davis City Council and DJUSD, and since then not one of our demands for climate action have been met. We, the youth and Davis community, will not stand for this. 

Elected officials are holding our future in their hands and it is up to them whether we will have a livable planet or not. But it is up to us to tell them when it is time to act, and it is past that time. The Earth’s clock is ticking. We cannot and will not wait until 2035 or 2030 or even 2025 for change to come. We will not wait any longer. 

This September you can be part of this international school walkout and strike to show the world that we will not give up on our future and we will not back down.

Continue reading "Call For Action on Sept. 23rd Global Climate Strike" »

Rally for Youth Transit

DE5BE5F2-5F64-4317-BEF2-CA2CA8E231FA(From press release) Youth for Climate Action Justice is holding a rally at the Capitol 1-4pm on Friday, September 16th. Bill AB1919 creates the Youth Transit Pass Pilot Program, a program that will help young students access free public transportation. It also establishes a report requirement to show how effective public transit is at reducing carbon emissions. Join Youth for Climate Action Justice at the Capitol on September 16th and tell Governor Newsom to sign this important bill!

Register here: https://forms.gle/MBBNiYygXJdbMRUS8

55A1FE56-FFF7-40E4-A3FC-3F2AB3C44970EVENT: Rally for Youth Transit
WHERE: West side of the Capitol building
1201-1231 10th Street, Sacramento CA 95814
WHEN: September 16th 2022
TIME: 1-4pm

Taormino Response to Staff Report Open Space and Habitat Commission Hearing

On Friday, Sept 9, David Taormino sent the following email concerning wildlife tunnels at Bretton Woods to the Open Space and Habit Commission in advance of their meeting yesterday.

Dear Commissioners,

Below is my response to the Staff Report Recommendations.

Response to Staff Report Recommendations, Background and Analysis:

I am not appealing the original Tentative Map Conditions. nor your original commission recommendations, nor the Development Agreement. I was ready to design according to these conditions when Public Works staff said, essentially: We want to eliminate the “natural creek bottoms” and substitute stamped concrete and “multiple ledges”.

From development agreement

I am willing to support certain staff-initiated changes set forth in the Staff Report, but these changes result in different infrastructure requirements that were not contemplated when the DA and map conditions were agreed on with the City Council and Planning Commission.

Discussion and my alternatives to staff requested changes:

  1. Concrete lined bottom of all four tunnels: two tunnels along Covell Blvd and two at the north Bretton Woods channel connecting to the new John Jones Detention Pond. I am agreeable. It contributes to good maintenance practices and minimization of clogging.
  2. I am in agreement that all four tunnels are to be built without custom stamped concrete as initially required by staff as a replacement for natural creek bottom. This also eliminates the need for oversizing the tunnels.
  3. Ledges in all four tunnels: I am not entirely agreeable as explained below.

My Recommended Alternative and Explanation:

Culvert ledge example 2
Culvert ledge example 2

The original ostensible and practical purpose of ledge(s) was to provide a “dry” walkway under Spirit Street somewhat akin to the current ledges on the foundations of the two corrugated steel tunnels under Risling. (see John McNerney’s example photo attached: Culvert Wildlife Ledge example 2)

Typical 4 X 8 culvert
Typical tunnel

I agreed to the concept of ledge(s) because the ledge(s) were an integral part of the foundation for tunnels with natural creek bottoms as specified in the Tentative Map Conditions. Those foundations with ledge(s) are necessary to build such tunnels. When changing to four-sided concrete tunnels without a natural creek bottom. no foundation is needed. The four sides of the concrete tunnels are smooth (see photo of typical tunnel attached), thus any ledge needs to be hand made and hand installed in a space that has only four feet of height to work in. It is time and labor intensive.

Drainage Tunnel ExhibitMy alternative: Install a 2 X 8 redwood board ledge along the length of the tunnel and attached to the wall of the tunnel closest to the North edge of the Covell Channel, located furthest from Covell Blvd. Anchor the redwood ledge to the side/top of the Covell Channel for ease of animal access. This redwood ledge provides animals a safe below-grade route (below Spirit Drive). It would be located away from Covell Blvd and closer to the landscaping on top of the channel. One 2 X 8 board inside the length of the tunnel will not likely impede water flow in heavy rains and would require little city maintenance. This location is the safest connection point to where animals are likely to walk. (See attached drawing of the tunnels originally proposed by Staff for a visual.) Having one conveniently located ledge with above ground access is ample considering the overall likely use is by smaller critters like possums, skunks, racoons, etc. that will use the side or bottom of the Covell Channel and landscaping for cover. In John McNerney’s report he states:

“I recommend that the City uphold the agreed upon wildlife conservation measures for the project including the installation of culvert wildlife undercrossings. It is my opinion that while the Covell and John Jones Road drainage channels are not significant migratory corridors for wildlife. they do provide cover and movement habitat for small to medium sized urban wildlife. Installing new roads across these channels will indeed create a barrier to wildlife movement and increase the risk of vehicle strike mortality. Installing the wildlife ledges, as proposed, is a relatively cheap and effective method to provide safe passage for wildlife.” (Emphasis mine)

Conclusion on Covell Channel Tunnel: One ledge closest to the landscaping meets the intent of providing a safe alterative below ground path under Spirit Street for animals to avoid cars and is consistent with expected use.

North Bretton Woods channel tunnels (2).

My Recommendation: No ledges necessary.

Explanation: Unlike the Covell Channel, there is no street crossing that impedes the animals from moving safely from the Bretton Woods Channel to the John Jones Detention Pond and vice versa. The two north Bretton Woods Channel tunnels go from one “open space” area to another. Any animal prevented by drainage water from using the underground tunnels below the levee can simply walk over the top of the levee from one side to the other. A ledge is unnecessary since there is no street to cross nor other impediment for a safe crossing. The overland route is no different than going up one side and down the other side of the dirt channel.

Respectfully Submitted, Dave Taormino

Bretton Woods

13 Candidates for Women's Rights and Democracy (and putting food on the table).

Democracy Candidates
By Scott Steward
In a previous article "MAGA Election and Abortion Deniers" I reviewed the extreme positions MAGA candidates take.  Some objected stating the review was meant to comment on Republicans generally.  In general, I don't believe people who consider themselves conservative voters are any more attracted to these MAGA candidates than those who call themselves progressives. 


To inspire a more complete understanding of the choices ahead, this article outlines the thirteen candidates running against these MAGA candidates (or the races that they are a part.)  This review took me through state and federal candidates and into territory that restores faith and re-asserts the dismal legacy of the current Party system. An opinion piece made by Floridian Associate Professor of Public Affairs, Stephen Neely, provides insight into our Party systems' "poor representation" predicament.  You will need to register with the Tampa Bay Times to read in full.


This "Candidates for Women's Rights and Democracy" review is written to put as much emphasis on the election of November 8th 2022 as possible.  I hope you get something out of the rest of the summary and next approximate 2,800 words*). And then I hope you volunteer with Indivisible Yolo and Sister District Yolo to write, knock, text or call into key races. Make the days, until election day, count.

Continue reading " 13 Candidates for Women's Rights and Democracy (and putting food on the table)." »

Davis City Council Candidate Forum Sponsored by League of Women Voters

LWV-Davis(From press release) The League of Women Voters, Davis Area and Davis Media Access will co-host a candidate forum for the Davis City Council elections on Thursday, September 29th, 7:00 pm – 9pm, with the doors opening at 6:30pm.  This nonpartisan election forum will be held at Community Chambers, 23 Russell Blvd., Davis.

The forum will feature candidates: Dan Carson, Kelsey Fortune and Bapu Vaitla from District 1, and candidates Adam Morrill and Gloria Partida from District 4.  Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th. The event will be moderated by LWV Board Member Michelle Famula, MD. 

The public is encouraged to attend although seating is limited and free tickets must be obtained ahead of time on Eventbrite at: lwvdaviscitycouncilforum.eventbrite.com

Questions will be prepared by League representatives and written questions will be accepted from the audience, but no spoken questions or statements will be allowed from the audience.

Community members may submit questions for candidates in advance at: [email protected]  by TUESDAY 9/27.  Please submit only one question. All questions will be directed to all the candidates.

Davis Media Access will live stream the event as well as record the event which will be available to voters on LWV website – lwvdavisarea.org  

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Fortune: Inovation and Leadership

IMG-4814Dear Davis resident,

I hope you will support Kelsey Fortune for City Council. Her doctoral study in energy and transportation economics and her local volunteer experience give her a deep understanding of the issues facing our City. Kelsey’s service as Associate Executive Director of Purple Tree Café has put her in touch with the needs of people with disabilities.

Kelsey’s service as a board member of Cool Davis has allowed her to work on the environmental issues facing Davis in particular addressing climate change. Kelsey’s board membership in Bike Davis has given her first hand knowledge of what needs to be done to improve the bikeways in Davis for access and safety.

She exhibits the innovative and leadership qualities of the early Council leaders that made Davis what it is today. I have had the opportunity to drive around Davis with her and listen to what she says the City needs immediately. She understands city planning well and was quick to see through the exaggeration of the DISC promoters, being the one candidate opposing it while both of her political opponents strongly supported the sprawl development.

Kelsey believes the council has to be more aggressive to get single family housing for those that have been forced out of the market. She will support the opportunities in the Downtown Plan and on vacant infill lands within the General Plan. For our community’s sake vote for Kelsey Fortune District 1.

Michael Corbett
Former Davis mayor

Soroptimist International of Davis presents LUNAFEST: Films by and about women

Luna-posterSoroptimist LUNAFEST is Sept. 25

(From press release) Tickets are still available for LUNAFEST, a series of short films by and about women that will run on Sunday, Sept. 25 at Davis Odd Fellows Hall, or online that weekend. The event is a fundraiser for Soroptimist International of Davis.

The event includes eight short films, told from perspectives that champion women and gender-nonconforming individuals, highlighting their aspirations, accomplishments, resilience, strength and connection. Though the films are unrated, they are most appropriate for ages 13 and up.

The in-person event will be Sunday, Sept. 25 at Davis Odd Fellows Hall, 415 Second St. Doors open at 3 p.m. and the screening begins at 3:30. Food and drink will be available for purchase, including alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages.

LUNAFEST attendees who bring a new package of girls’ or ladies’ panties to the Sept. 25 screening are eligible to receive a free item from the snack bar. (Dzokerayi Minya/Courtesy photo)

Those unable to join in person can still support Soroptimist programs by watching the films virtually from their smart TV or device. Beginning at 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 23, those purchasing virtual tickets will have 48 hours to begin watching the films, and 48 hours to finish viewing once they’ve started. The total running time for the eight short films is 80 minutes. Before the films, there’s a brief video from Soroptimist International of Davis, outlining how its programs improve the lives of women and girls in Yolo County.

SI Davis is working with its Ruby Award winner Dzokerayi Minya of the TESE Foundation. Attendees who bring a new package of girls’ or ladies’ panties to the screening are eligible to receive a free item from the snack bar. These donations will support rural girls in Zimbabwe who need the panties to attend school.

Proceeds from LUNAFEST benefit Soroptimist International of Davis, and its programs to educate and empower women and girls, as well as Chicken & Egg Pictures, a nonprofit organization that supports female nonfiction filmmakers.

For LUNAFEST tickets, visit https://sidavis.org.

US Citizens Dying in Jackson Mississippi

Screen Shot 2022-09-09 at 3.31.44 PMBy Scott Steward

The water crises in Jackson Mississippi, where 180,000 people don't have drinking water, is a sin: a sin in a state with highest percentage, 60%, of religious residents.

It is beyond reproach that for 50 years, since federally mandated school integration, the Mississippi state legislature has systematically refused to invest in Jackson, because the power and authority in Jackson is not like the rest of Mississippi's white majority. 

From the Columbus Mississippi Dispatch: "It's a damn poor farmer who starves his mule and then complains because it can't pull the plow."  And just in case you think it's all big media and out-of state progressives making the case that this is systemic racism, here is what the Digest had to say. "And to think, it all began because the idea of a white child sitting next to a Black child in school was too much to tolerate."

We need to overcome the State's rights abuse that prevents the federal government from giving aid directly to Jackson.  Aid to Jackson has been blocked multiple times by the Christian majority legislature of Mississippi.   Current Governor Reeves wants to be sure that his standards of "accountability" are met and he plans to continue to righteously starve the mule as his predecessors have done for 50 years.

In a country where it takes just 6 months to send $44.5B to Ukraine, we can't insure that a US city of  180,000 has drinking water?  We are ignoring people dying of thirst in our country. Stop. We can be urgent and insist that the State of Mississippi, and our federal government, have a plan (acceptable to the Mayor of Jackson) to insure drinkable water immediately and for the foreseeable future.

It's not just Jackson, but let us start.  Let us turn this around in Jackson and then treat ourselves to the prosperity that is kinship with neglected US communities of all colors.

Governor Reeves and others are woefully mistaken to take it upon themselves to be the arbiter of a wrathful God.  Give up this false passion and find resolution in the love of men and women of a common fellowship.  Open the spigot of your heart and make the water of prosperity flow in Jackson. Decide to do it - it's that easy.  

Great Tree Search Bike Tour

Image1(From press release) Tree Davis will kick-off its 2022-23 tree planting season with a bike tour. Beginning at 8:30am on Saturday, September 24, coffee and donuts will be served under the shade of a 22-year old Texas red oak and thornless mesquite at 1009 Kent Dr. At 9am Dr. Greg McPherson will lead a 6-mile tour with stops at 9 Great Trees. The tour will finish at the Farmer’s Market at 11:00am.

This will also be a fun opportunity to participate in the City of Davis’ Urban Forest Management Plan Photo Contest. Snap photos of your favorite trees along the biking route! Submission for the photo contest can be shared here: https://www.treedavis.org/city-of-davis-urban-forest-management-plan-photo-contest/

Tree Davis has asked residents to nominate Great Trees and 33 specimens have been recorded in one of four categories: Unusual Size, Species, Form and History. The Great Tree Search is helping residents better understand and appreciate the educational, environmental, and cultural contributions of our trees.

This annual community event is fun for the whole family. We hope you will join us in celebrating our great trees!

Sign up for the Great Tree Search Bike Tour at https://tinyurl.com/GTSBikeTour