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October 2022

Pancakes & Politics Discussion - Saturday 10/29 @9:15 a.m. - The 7 Propositions - Wake Up!

Wake up!

Al's Corner Presents

A Pancakes & Politics Production

November 2022 Election - The Seven Propositions

A Discussion Pop-Up Event

Saturday, October 29th (yeah in a few hours!  Wake up!)

Delta of Venus (front patio)

(B Street between 1st & 2nd Streets)

9:15 a.m. (gather) - 9:30 a.m. (start) - 10:17 a.m. (punches thrown) - 11:00 a.m. (leave)

As with any P&P, please don't come with the idea of converting people to your point of view.  The idea is to take 10-15 minutes per proposition, look up the arguments on both sides on our smart phones, discuss, and maybe take a straw poll.

With district elections, discussing council candidates seems futile and there's plenty been said in local media.  Higher office candidates?  Well, #yawn#.  But at the end we can talk a few minutes about any candidates that anyone wants to bring up -- if you insist 😕

Do at least buy a fancy coffee drink and maybe a full breakfast from Delta of Venus to support our wonderful local alternative coffee shop and pay the 'rent'.  We'll sit outside because, Covid-19, even though I got Covid-19 outside and Biden declared the pandemic over so what does it matter?

If you wish to stand on the sidewalk with a "Al's Corner Sucks [insert large mammal] Balls" sign, please feel welcome.  If we are near the sidewalk you can even join in the discussion.  But please -- No barricade hurling and no pepper spraying.   And no blaming extremists on the 'other side'.

Pardon the late notice; I suck at getting in front of things.  So I might be eating breakfast just me and my voter guide.  But come ye zero or one or come ye 50, all welcome to join in the cerebral festivities.


Al of Al's Corner

Letter in support of Adam Morrill

I, like many other Davis residents, strongly support Adam Morrill for City Council because of his positions on the issues and his commitment to reach out and engage with the community. He had the good judgement to oppose the DISC projects, as well as opposing the outrageous CAAP residential electrification mandate, unlike his opponent. Another attribute setting Adam apart is his clear independence from special interest groups and his prioritizing our community’s needs.

Adam has a broad background and experience in decision-making and problem-solving. He has worked for years in environmental protection work for the protection of wildlife and habitat. He also worked for the State on Emergency Medical Service regulations and disaster planning. Adam has lived with his family in East Davis for over two decades and understands the neighborhood issues. He has been a volunteer soccer coach, and a volunteer parent at St. James School, and has served as a volunteer Emergency Medical Tech /Firefighter for Winters for 10 years.

We need Council members who will dig into the issues to find solutions, but also who will make the time to talk to and listen to us. Most importantly, we need a Council member who will take our concerns seriously and advocate for us and vote for, rather than against the public input that the community takes the time to give the City Council. It is disappointing that Council member Gloria Partida has not engaged with the community when residents have asked her to discuss issues, and she has voted against the will of the people in so many cases. Furthermore, why were there was no “Town and Gown” public meetings with UCD as promised in the City of Davis - UCD MOU when Gloria was mayor? 

We need change and we are fortunate to have Adam, who is such a qualified candidate, running for City Council. Please vote for Adam Morrill because he will take the time to study the issues, listen to our concerns, and help find solutions, rather than approving anything that comes before him.

David McGlocklin

Davis resident

10  reasons  to  not  support  any  current  city  council  member,  now  or  in  the  future!

Measure H mailer smlrBy Marc Thomas

The City Council is not aligned to resident and taxpayers interests as evidenced by:

1)  Failing their fiduciary responsibility and care and duty as council members. The entire city council, including Dan Carson and Gloria Partida, by their actions, have allowed the city budget/deficit to deteriorate to the point of “needing” special interests/developers to generate additional tax revenue. The current city council has enabled a loss of control of the budget by the residents and taxpayers, and is the result of mismanagement of the city budget by the current city council.

2)  Unanimously supporting DiSC 1 (as Measure B in 2020) and DiSC 2 (as Measure H in 2022). The entire city council, including Gloria and Dan, who are both up for reelection, continued to unanimously support developer growth despite being voted down (not just once, but twice) by the taxpayers and residents.

3)  Supporting excessive wages and overtime for various city functions to the tune of Millions. The entire city council, including Dan and Gloria, by their actions have failed to address the overtime and wage growth where the top 10 firefighters each earn over $385K  in pay and benefits in 2021, and the fire  chief was paid over $500K in 2021.

4)  Wasteful spending. Our entire city council, including Gloria and Dan, who are both up for re-election supported MACE mess, SkyTrack, Ladder truck project, fire station kitchen remodel, etc., adding up to millions of wasted taxpayer funds.

5)  The CAAP proposal and sham survey. The entire city council, including Gloria and Dan, who are both up for reelection, supported CAAP in its original form and the sham survey which was un-navigable by the average person. How did it get so far? The city council is out of touch with residents to even approve the draft’s release to the public.

6)  Failure to address root causes of homelessness. The entire city council, including Gloria Partida and Dan Carson, who are both up for reelection, have failed to adequately address the root causes of homelessness: lost jobs, addiction, mental issues, divorce/breakup, eviction, and family issues. For some reason, they believe that just taking the homeless off the street is the answer. It's not, note even close.


7)  Unanimously supporting false marketing claims for Measure H. In addition to the project not being aligned to taxpayer and resident interests as proven by a 2:1 vote, the developer-funded (almost $1 million) campaign was misleading and 100% voted on by all existing Davis City council members.


8)  Failing to publicly and unanimously condemn a council member (Dan Carson) for suing taxpayers and residents who objected to Measure H. Resident objections should be heard and listened to, not attacked by financial interests and developers. Council members should not be aligned to developer interests, Council members MUST be aligned to resident and taxpayer interests, with taxpayers and residents never sued for objecting to City councils members special interest.

9)  Failing to recognize the type and nature of crime in Davis and take appropriate action and use taxpayer money efficiently and effectively. Dan Carson, comparing Davis to El Paso, Gilroy and Dayton, supported the need to purchase a $120,000 armored vehicle for Davis where Carson added, “We see headlines in Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton, Ohio. There’s very scary things going on out there.” We are not any of those cities, and our issues, our crime is far less severe and different. Davis' crime requires officers out policing the neighborhoods, more cameras installed and not an armored vehicle which will remain parked 99% of the time.

10) Continuing to support “politics as usual”, and failing to engage with the taxpayers on important issues. Had Dan or Gloria or any other city council member reached out to their constituents and or held neighborhood meetings to listen to the taxpayers and residents of their districts, CAAP never would have been proposed in the current form, and Measure H never would have been on the ballot with the City council's unanimous support!


Welcome to Al's Corner - "Pouring Gasoline on the Dumpster Fire of Davis Politics" - Volume #14

image from www.sparkysonestop.com

A place for YOU to make comments about stuff because why not.  Special election edition for no particular reason nor content.
Election Voting Happening People - Vote if you can rub two brain cells together!  AND  if you vote similar to me.  If not, please stay home and forget to turn in the envelope. Thank you.
.   [See "Pages" --> "Al's Corner - What It Is" for Rulez.]

7 California Propositions to Vote On by November 8

Golden-StateBy Scott Steward

I take the time to look into the propositions each election for the sake of my now adult children, nieces and nephews.  They are busy and/or are otherwise polite to thank me for the review.  I used a variety of sources (Courage California and the Los Angeles Progressive Voter Guide to name two) in coming up with the following up or down votes for the 7 propositions on the ballot.  

Prop 1 – Reproductive Freedom - YES. The opponents to Prop 1 are wrong biblically, morally and biologically.  Prop 1 puts in place a California state amendment establishing women's reproductive rights.  

Prop 26 - Tribal In-Person Sports Betting, soft YES. Sports betting revenue is here to stay, what we don't want is an out-of-state rip-off.  Tribal gaming (gambling) has been a reasonable compromise and the Tribes have been great to our communities.  26 is not perfect in that their remain inequities as to which tribes are recognized and benefit.

It is inevitable that tech-gambling will grow. We need good partners to fend off the worst that tech-gambling could be.  We are better off with our local Tribal Nations and venues hosting locally regulated gambling.

Prop 27 - Corporate Online Sports Betting - NO. For the reasons above and because of the false statement about 27 having anything to do with solving homelessness.  The housing funding is a ruse to hide the meager 10% CA gambling revenue tax that would become law if Prop 27 passed.  The same companies that sponsor CA Prop 27 pay NY a 51% tax on gambling revenues. 

Continue reading "7 California Propositions to Vote On by November 8" »

Vote Kelsey Fortune to End Davis Council Districts

I am voting for Kelsey Fortune. That is, I would if Davis didn’t have district elections.

If you’re a student you should vote for Kelsey Fortune. Make a special effort to vote, because as a student you’ll be represented by someone who was recently at UCD and understands your interests.

Screen Shot 2022-10-24 at 7.02.38 PM

If you are a renter you should vote for Kelsey Fortune. She is renter herself, and renters, though 55% of Davis, are rarely represented on the City Council. Renters and young adults — you should be represented!

If you like representatives who are not swayed by special interest money, vote Fortune. Unlike her opponents, she took no money from the firefighters union, nor did they offer. Did they know she would not buy them a new firetruck for Christmas?

Screen Shot 2022-10-24 at 7.02.23 PM

If you like independent thinkers, vote Fortune. Many people like a predictable pro-growth or anti-growth vote . Fortune considers each project on its own merit. That is my kind of candidate.

If you like someone who isn’t part of the ‘Davis machine’ vote Fortune. One of her opponents had their photo taken with two current and one former Council member, smiling ear to ear. Is that photo supposed to impress me? Rather, that image spooks me. I don’t want more of the same -- I want a fresh thinker.

Ask yourself: why has the Davis City Council denied Fortune a seat on any City commission, commissions representing the very subjects Fortune is educated in with advance degrees? [Economics & Transportation] Maybe the other Council members are afraid of her savvy. Maybe they should be. Screen Shot 2022-10-24 at 7.03.03 PM

Most importantly, Fortune is the only candidate openly calling for discussions on a process to end district elections. If there is one subject every person in Davis agrees on, it is putting an end to Davis Council districts.

If you live in District 1, please vote for Kelsey Fortune — so that in the future, all Davis voters can vote for Kelsey Fortune!

Alan C. Miller

Letter: Adam Morrill will change things for the better

I am writing in support of Adam Morrill for City Council for many reasons. Adam has been a resident of East Davis for over 25 years and has stepped up to run for Council because he can offer new and innovative solutions to many City problems. Unlike his opponent, Adam opposed the disastrous DISC project, and the unreasonable and costly CAAP residential electrification mandate proposal. This CAAP condition wasn’t even supported by the Natural Resources Commission, yet Gloria didn’t object to it and voted to include it.

Adam is honest, has integrity, and will advocate for better land use planning, including requiring any infill proposals to be compatible and consistent with surrounding neighborhoods. He will advocate for more UCD on-campus UCD housing needed. Most importantly, Adam has pledged to take the time to review the City Council packets before voting on them, and responding to, and advocating for our community input. I, like many other Davis citizens, am frustrated that requests to Gloria to discuss issues have been consistently ignored, as well as our public input.

Further, Gloria’s voting track record has been terrible on many issues. Despite significant citizen opposition, she voted for: 1) putting the badly planned DISC project on the ballot twice, (then rejected by voters twice); 2) the 7-story University Mall project with its significant impacts on surrounding neighborhoods; 3) simply moving the problematic Arroyo Park ZIP-line an insignificant distance from its current location, which doesn’t remedy the impacts to the neighborhood; 4) the recent Pacifico proposal despite neighborhood concerns that the crime and other problems related to the project over past years haven’t been addressed; and 5) the ill-conceived CAAP residential electrification mandate.

We need a Councilmember who will take the time to listen to public input and discuss issues, and who will respond to our concerns, instead of repeatedly voting against public input as Gloria has over the last four years.  Please join me in voting for Adam Morrill for City Council.  We need a change for the better, particularly for us here in East Davis, which gets ignored and short-changed far too often.

Eileen M. Samitz

Rent Increases, Price Gauging, Collusion — Republican Stew

2022-10-20 Porter Inflation
U.S. Representative Katie Porter

By Scott Steward

Rents have gone up so fast it has surprised even colluding real estate software marketer RealPage. Again blocked by Republicans, the “A Place to Prosper Act”, renters rights and rent increase control, never reached debate. Rent is not increasing because it costs more to keep up properties. Rents are higher because it’s what enough people can be forced to pay. Owners are charging computer generated higher rents, knowing that it will cause higher vacancies, because they can—increasing homelessness. It’s that bad.

Not one Republican voted for the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act. And if Republicans are the majority—you will never hear of the bill to make sure you are charged a fair price at the pump. Much more the opposite, put Republicans in power and you will fuel Putin’s Russian war, make Saudi’s rich and put American energy independence into the trash can.

Corporate profits are at records. This is true not because these corporations are adding value, it is true because they are charging high prices. Pharmaceutical companies, cable companies, oil companies—an average of 53% increase in profits over the last 6 months. How? By raising prices well over their costs—just plain old “because they can.” Biden is not the owner of Moderna, Xfinity or Exxon—most of inflation is being caused by corporate greed.

In the meantime Trump appointed judges ruled to defund the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a similar ruse was used to undercut the EPA, (saying agencies have to have more explicit power from Congress.) Hogwash! Guess what else is funded outside of regular appropriations—Medicare and Social Security. These Judges want to serve up these 50+ year old protections, including women’s reproductive rights, to the carving knives of MAGA Republican controlled majorities in the House and Senate.

Blame inflation on someone, that’s what Republicans are betting on even as their party will make the problem worse with giveaways to the rich and the same trickle down policies that gave 80% of us a zero increase in household income over the last 40 years. That’s their big idea.

Democrats can be forced to make laws that put Americans first. That’s why we have made some gains to see that regular Americans get fair compensation and opportunity—that is what is best for the economy—for Democrats, Republicans, Independents and everyone.

Miller Protests the Davis Vanguard -- for Sucking

Alan C. Miller’s One-Man Protest of the Davis Vanguard, for Sucking. – Photo Credit: Alan C. Miller (also available as a poster or as a t-shirt!)

An Al’s Corner Special Report. Dateline Sacramento. Alan C. Miller Reporting on Alan C. Miller.

The Davis Vanguard (DV) held an event last Thursday night in Sacramento. The event honored some people for doing stuff. Entry into the event was $100 to $5000.   Why?   Do those contributing not realize that giving money to something perpetuates its existence?

As of last Thursday morning, there were 167 $100 tickets ‘available’. But one shouldn’t draw any conclusions as people often wait until the last minute on events. As one person did. As of 6:00pm last Thursday there were 166 $100 dollar tickets available. Not sure how many $5000 tickets were still available.

The entrance had no obvious signs of the event, though some A-frames advertised a food establishment within the becolumned ex-bank. I arrived at 5:45pm and found a spot near the A-frames across from the door where I could be seen but be out of the way of anyone who showed up. I held up my 11x17 protest sign which read, “The Davis Vanguard Sucks Donkey Balls” on one side and “$100 - $5000 WHY?” on the other.

Continue reading "Miller Protests the Davis Vanguard -- for Sucking" »

Newly Released City Documents Reveal More Problems with Carson’s City Emails

Carson - emailCouncilman Carson Violated Two City Policies Using City Resources for Campaign Emails

By David L. Johnson and Colin Walsh

New documents obtained through a Public Records Act request reveal that City of Davis Councilman Dan Carson violated two City of Davis policies when he sent numerous campaign emails from his publicly-funded city email account concerning Measure H, a ballot measure to approve the DiSC development project.

New documents from the city also reveal that all emails Carson sent in 2022 regarding measure H appear to have been deleted from his city account.

Continue reading "Newly Released City Documents Reveal More Problems with Carson’s City Emails" »

Letter: Vote for Kelsey

If you are concerned about the planet’s climate crisis, please vote for Kelsey Fortune. A major contribution to global warming comes from our car traffic, which would have been made a lot worse by the approval of DISC, which several candidates now running for City Council approved.  Davis really needs wiser planning for innovative transportation and infill planning solutions.

Kelsey Fortune’s training and acumen as a transportation economist, her understanding of how to prioritize infill development including the implementation of the downtown plan, her commitment to a long overdue update of the General Plan, and her proven commitment to prioritizing a just and equitable response to the climate crisis makes her the most qualified candidate for City Council in West Davis. 

Kelsey Fortune is the only District 1 city council candidate that opposed the DISC project/Measure H, defeated by nearly a 2-1 citizen vote, and she did so for all the right reasons. The DISC project was not a forward looking, future-proof development. Some have argued that it would have rescued Davis from the city’s financial troubles by bringing in new taxes. Davis’s fiscal problems have grown over the years by a Ponzi scheme approach to the finances, with new projects always promising to pay for the unanticipated expenses of previous ones. DISC was based on a model of economic development that drains resources out of city centers and impoverishes - not enriches - city coffers.

So, for the sake of our city and our children, who will be living in the environment we create and leave for them, please Vote for Kelsey.  

Don C. Price

Celebration of Abraham Rocks the Block in West Sacramento with Habitat for Humanity

Rocks-the-block(From press release) On Saturday October 8 the Celebration of Abraham joined Habitat for Humanity Greater Sacramento to Rock the Block in West Sacramento. Our team comprised folks from all three Abrahamic traditions including Jewish (Renee Dryfoos, Gregory Guss, John Katonah and Dean Newberry), Muslim (Anne Kjemtrup, Kamal  Lemseffer and Timur Mamedov) and Christian (Mary Philip and Helen Roland Cramer). In addition to providing the interfaith work team, the Celebration of Abraham ran an on-line fundraising campaign and raised $1350 to supply the materials needed to work on the project.

The specific project that the Celebration of Abraham worked on was painting the transitional housing that Shores of Hope provides to folks aging out of foster care. Shore of Hope is a nonprofit in West Sacramento that offers among other services transitional housing, Slavic Women’s Health Outreach, emergency shelter, and a Food Closet. (See Welcome to Shores of Hope )

Endorsements, Anti-Endorsements, and Davis City Council Elections


LWV Davis Area 2022 Council Candidate Forum Screenshot
Recording screenshot of the Davis City Council candidate forum hosted by the League of Women Voters Davis Area on Sept. 29, 2022
By Connor Gorman

There's a possibility within electoral politics that doesn't occur often, if at all, at the moment, but which I've considered for awhile, and that's the notion of an anti-endorsement. There's two scenarios where this seems like a potentially preferable option to endorsements. The first of these is a race in which an individual or group likes multiple candidates, where they could anti- endorse any candidates(s) who they don't like as much as the others (though it's true that this would essentially be the same as endorsing the multiple candidates who they do like). The other scenario here is a race in which an individual or group doesn't particularly support any of the candidates, but does have substantially more problems and disagreements with one of them, where they could then decide to anti-endorse that candidate rather than endorsing any of that candidate’s opponents. This would amount to somewhat of a "lesser-evil" argument, but would acknowledge that it's a "lesser-evil" situation rather than pretending (through an endorsement) that they actively support a candidate who they simply consider the "lesser-evil" (this type of anti-endorsement could have been especially helpful during the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections). Now, there's certainly some downsides to the idea of anti-endorsements, but it seems like something worth considering, at least under certain circumstances. So in the spirit of piloting it, let me publicly apply it to the upcoming Davis City Council elections.

In District 1, I would apply the first scenario described above because I believe there are two good candidates, Bapu Vaitla and Kelsey Fortune, who would make good Davis City Council members. Unsurprisingly, there’s still things that I disagree with them on, but I think they'd both bring an important perspective to the Council and govern in a way that generally, within the confines of our current systems, benefits Davis and its current and future residents. This, together with other issues, such as some of Dan's recent political actions, is why I'm anti- endorsing Dan and encourage those in District 1 to vote for either Kelsey or Bapu. This race is also yet another example of why Davis City Council elections, and all elections, should be ranked-choice, or at least include a runoff system like the one used for Yolo County Supervisor elections.

In District 4, I would apply the second scenario described above because, while I'm not a huge fan of Gloria Partida’s political views and actions (she's far more right-wing, pro-policing, pro- capitalist, etc. than I'd like), her experiences have clearly given her a better understanding of the needs and challenges that many low-income and marginalized Davisites regularly deal with compared to her out of touch opponent. Therefore, I'm anti-endorsing Adam and encourage those in District 4 to vote for Gloria. Also, as a general matter that’s independent of the specifics around any particular cases, it's important to remember that laws, along with what’s criminalized vs. what isn’t, are often (not always, but often) designed by and for the ruling class at the expense of the people, especially marginalized and oppressed communities. Furthermore, violating unjust laws is perfectly ethical (and some might argue a duty).

Letter: Vote for Adam Morrill

A few Monday’s ago I attended the debate between folks running for city council and was very impressed with Adam Morrill. We spoke at intermission. He is intelligent, open, and eager to take on the problems at hand. He engages well with people and is a good communicator. I like his position on the issues and see that as a long-term resident of East Davis, he understands the problems facing District 1 and citywide. He opposed Measure H which Davis voters rejected.

I believe we need new City leadership and vision for a better future for Davis. We need a council member like Adam who will connect with the community and discuss issues that concern them. I am in strong support of Adam Morrill and encourage Davis voters to elect him.

Ann Privateer

Who to vote for in District 4?

By Scott Steward

All the Davis City Council candidates, and incumbents, face a civil servant and first responder debt load, A housing crises, that is shared with the state, but is controlled by checked out residential and business space rent collectors (a windfall owners tax to pay for redevelopment would be welcome).  And not a whisper from the City objecting to the NO-HOUSING option for Brixmor University Mall re-development.  From 2,000 units to 700 units to zero Brixmor housing units - what kind of tragedy are we taking part? 

What can City Council Members accomplish?  Seemingly not a lot if they want to be re-elected and begin to enter the paternity of electeds.  For that reason, because of their youth, strength of character and willingness to dislodge the status quo, I would like to have either Bapu Vaitla or Kelsey Fortune as my City Council Member for District 4.  What?  Can't happen.  Vaitla and Fortune are the two best candidates running out of the five.

Fortune is a economics PhD <http://www.fortunefordavis.com/> candidate who dives deep into sustainability and community resilience and Bapu Vaitla's work <https://www.bapu4davis.org/about> at UCD is complementary to Fortune's as a professor of Economics.  He also works with women and girls health policy and is a member of the Davis Social Services Commission (one of 16 Davis volunteer citizen Commissions.)

Both are running against each other in District 1 where, unfortunately, Dan Carson is also running (Dan's record of damaging City governance is well documented <https://www.davisite.org/2022/09/davis-deserves-better-than-carson.html>.) I hope District 1 voters nod politely when he asks and then vote for Bapu or Kelsey.

Gloria Partida and Adam Morrill are well meaning, and will serve District 4 to the best of their ability, but I can't say one would be markedly better than the other.   Partida has not attempted to tell the unions and first responders no more raises. She did not use her authority as Mayor to separate the council from measure H or increase City decision making transparency and she followed the lead of Dan Carson much to readily.  That said I am hopeful that Gloria will find more of her voice without Caron's presence.    Gloria has been part of most every social justice event that I have attended and has addressed the youth climate movement, though we hope she becomes more comfortable pressing for more rigorous progress on both these fronts.

With Morrill, he is new and suggests he will reform the City's habit of hiring expensive consultants (to tell us all about what we won't ultimately do - again.)  I am troubled by what feels like Morrill's antagonistic stance to Davis' build-it-green legacy.  Davis is still the town that brought us the earliest implementation of title 24 (building energy efficiency ordinances) and Morrill said some pretty silly (being kind) things about the wrong-headedness of energy rebates (rebates that built the trillion dollar solar industry and Tesla).

Morrill, Partida, Fortune and Vaitla, two of these will need to combine with Frerichs, Arnold and Chapman and together they would need to be fierce in their unity if they are to go against the might of first responder and city professional unions to reshape fair agreements.  I think it might take more than just this council's fierce agreement, it might take a coalition of city councils to reset the bargaining that delivers $500K to a five department fire chief <https://www.davisite.org/2022/10/effects-of-excessive-increases-in-city-of-davis-employee-compensation-from-2011-to-2021-on-the-citys-1.html>.  I'm glad there are unions and good pay, but it takes away from any momentum, to create fiscal sustainability, and it takes away from public engagement when the leaders just shrug and say "that's the way it is." 

Cost control is one half of managing budgets, but we know our city needs more businesses.  Retail and services are great but we could use private agriculture, IT, and manufacturing as well. Tim Keller's article  What Economic Development Looks Like in Davis (and What It Doesn’t <https://www.davisvanguard.org/2022/10/guest-commentary-what-economic-development-looks-like-in-davis-and-what-it-doesnt/>) provides good ideas of where we need to go.  So who among our City Council candidates are  equipped to make the 5th street corridor an in-fill innovation park and stop shopping old notions of business development?  That and who has the skill and desire to see that developer agreements stick?  Finally, we don't want Woodland and Davis to merge into some kind of dystopian freestanding single family home suburb of the Bay Area - so housing needs to be built up - attractively, affordably and in a way that preserves farmland.  

I believe we have more to hear from both Gloria and Adam before District 4 can decide.

Indivisible Yolo and Sister District Yolo need your help

Keep Abortion Legal(From press release) We are in the last few weeks of campaigning. Indivisible Yolo and Sister District Yolo need our casual members to step up and join our phone bank, texting and canvassing teams. You have your choice of where to contribute, but don’t get caught looking over your shoulder on November 8th wishing you had done more. Do more now. Join me and Peggy in Reno this weekend. Here are the dates to help Nevada and California representatives who support women’s reproductive rights

Phone Bank for NV, CA, and AZ
Training sessions/meetups:
Thurs, Oct 13, 6:30-8:30 pm
Sun, Oct 16, 2-4 pm
Mon, Oct 17, 3-5 pm

Texting Meetup
Thurs, Oct 13, 12-1 pm

Canvassing in Reno, NV
Sat, Oct 15 and/or Sun, Oct 16

Canvassing in Tulare, CA
Sat, Oct 29

Canvassing in Stockton, CA
Sun, Oct 30

Part 1: Civic Goodness

Indivisible Yolo (CA) members Scott Steward and Peggy Bernardy in Reno, Nevada


Note from Annie: I am devoting my blog posts this week to honoring two of the tens of thousands of Americans who have been doing the hard work for us all prior to these crucial midterm elections.

Scott Steward and Peggy Bernardy are active in the progressive organization Indivisible Yolo in Yolo County, California. (Indivisible is a nationwide organization that has blossomed since its beginnings in reaction to Trump’s election in 2016.)

In the political campaign world, it’s widely believed that contact with individual voters is the most productive way to persuade them to vote. And of all the methods of communication in this tech-heavy era, face-to-face contact tops the list.

In his Today’s Edition newsletter, Robert Hubbell referred to those “who are doing the incredibly difficult work of ‘retail democracy’ in hostile territory. When I hear their stories,” Hubbell said, “I renew my resolve.”

And so do I.

Here, in Part 1, Steward, a self-described six-year veteran of such personal contact, writes about his experience in Reno, Nevada–a critical state in this election. And he introduces Peggy Bernardy, who’s making her sixth trip to Nevada just this season.

In Part 2, Peggy answers my questions.

Scott’s Report:

Continue reading "Part 1: Civic Goodness" »

Partida Statement On Old Fraud Conviction

20200707-partida-gloria-700x395Statement By Gloria Partida

There has been discussion on social media over the past week concerning whether I was truthful in answering a question that was asked by an audience member during a candidate forum sponsored by Yolo People Power on September 26, 2022. I was asked whether I had ever been arrested or convicted of a crime.

I responded by giving examples of police encounters I had had while driving. I also affirmed in my response that I had the experience of being arrested.

Have I ever been convicted of a crime? Yes. Do I currently have a conviction? No.

Answering this question in a way that doesn’t create misunderstanding, takes more than the brief response time allowed in the forum. Moreover, I have received legal advice that I am under no obligation to disclose this prior conviction, given that it was reduced to a misdemeanor and set aside.

QuoteThe events around this occurred in 1996, and resulted in charges being filed against me. The details of this incident involve my extended family and the circumstances are deeply personal and painful. The bottom line is that I followed all legally authorized processes to resolve the matter, including what was needed to obtain court orders to render the incident a misdemeanor for all purposes and obtain an expungement of my record. When I filed for a new term on the City Council and declared that I met the eligibility criteria, I did so in good faith and in accordance with the law. I have been assured by my legal counsel and the District Attorney’s office that my response was in full compliance with the law.

In response to Alan Pryor’s statements regarding my background, I do not have a criminal conviction. I did have a prior conviction from 22 years ago. That conviction was dismissed and set aside by the Yolo County Superior Court in 2005, based on my “continued law-abiding lifestyle, education and involvement in family and community.”  Simple fact: I do not currently have a conviction.

Seventeen years ago, my court case file should have been updated to correctly show a “dismissal” of the charges. I learned only recently that, due to a record-keeping error, the Court website was not properly updated to show this dismissal until I notified them several days ago that the court website contained incorrect information. Contrary to Mr. Pryor’s assertion that the court website was “scrubbed” the Court Clerk’s Office acknowledged that the website had not been properly updated.  The Court Clerk then sealed the record, as required by Senate Bill 731, which took effect on July 1 of this year. No scrubbing involved, just compliance with applicable legal requirements.

I did not have any legal obligation to disclose this when I filed my papers for candidacy.  At that point, I was asked if I had a felony conviction, and I did not have one. The prior conviction had by then been reduced to a misdemeanor and dismissed. You have a right to hold me to a high standard, and my sincere hope in sharing this information with you is that you will take into account my long history of commitment to our community. I sincerely hope that all of my work in the community will allow you to put this issue into the proper context.


link to Alan Pryor's previous article "Does Gloria Partida’s Conviction for a Felony in 2000 Disallow Her from Holding an Elected Public Office in California?"


link to answer Gloria's Answer at forum

Does Gloria Partida’s Conviction for a Felony in 2000 Disallow Her from Holding an Elected Public Office in California?

And did Gloria Partida sign a false statement and wrongfully fail to disclose the conviction as required by law in her Statement of Candidacy in 2022?


By Alan Pryor

The Alleged Felony Crimes, the Conviction, and the Sentencing

Based on official court records, Gloria Partida, current at-large Davis City Councilmember who is running for reelection in the newly created District 4 (East Davis and Wildhorse), was apparently charged in 1999 with four felony counts of “Forgery, Statute 470(A)” and one felony count of “Fraud to Obtain Aid, Statute 10980(C)(2)” for offenses committed in 1995 and 1996.

The following screenshot of the initial charges filed in Yolo County Superior Court was obtained from the Court’s document retrieval system (see https://portal-cayolo.tylertech.cloud/Portal/Home/WorkspaceMode?p=0, using “Partida, Gloria Jean” to search). Note that as of the evening of 10/10/2022, the records appear to have been scrubbed from the Court’s website although they were available earlier in the day:

Filed Charges

The initial complaint against Ms. Partida was filed on 3/12/1999 and she was arraigned on all of the charges on 3/30/1999.

At the Preliminary Hearing on 2/2/2000, Ms. Partida entered a conditional plea of “guilty/Nolo” to the Fraud to Obtain Aid felony charge with the stipulation that no time in a State Prison would be imposed upon sentencing on the assigned date of 3/20/2000.

Continue reading "Does Gloria Partida’s Conviction for a Felony in 2000 Disallow Her from Holding an Elected Public Office in California?" »

Letter: Oliver Cromwell on Carson

By spending an out-of-town developer’s dollars to mount a middle of the night stealth campaign against six of our Davis citizens Carson should not even dare to run. Cromwell said it better (see below).

Carson’s spending against his own citizens is the most harmful action by an elected Davis council member that I have ever witnessed.  Carson blithely used unethical and possibly illegal methods to launch an ugly attack on what should be an unsullied civic process.

I am dismayed that this bullying developer’s stooge wishes to exercise any further vote. Months after his improprieties he has not apologized to those he harmed by his now admitted “mistake”.

It would also be a mistake to re-elect him knowing now how he abuses power.

With his blatant record, how can any citizen be assured that Carson will ever again exercise fair and impartial judgment on behalf of our city? His further decisions on development as a council member will now always be questionable. In a somewhat similar case, the Santa Clara Grand Jury this week found that Santa Clara council members "may have violated city and state ethics laws.”

I ask the citizens of District 1 to vote for Bapu Vaitla or Kelsey Fortune, Anyone But Carson, to prevent any further stain on the proceedings of this next Council.

Continue reading "Letter: Oliver Cromwell on Carson" »