Welcome to Al's Corner - "Pouring Gasoline on the Dumpster Fire of Davis Politics" - February 2023
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Davis Enterprise should promote better discourse

The following was sent to the Davis Enterprise to be published as a letter to the editor, but as of the time of this posting they have declined to publish it.

Edit: The letter finally appeared in the 12 February 2023 print edition, but I don't believe that it ever appeared online.

By Roberta Millstein

The recent article, "Planning Commission OKs R&D facility for Second Street" elicited a number of comments on the Davis Enterprise's Facebook page where the article was posted. Of these comments, the one that was picked as the "Editors' choice for the web comment of the week" stated "In a town that's absolutely jam-packed with know-it-alls somebody will come up with an objection."

Why did the Editors pick this comment out of all the others?

Surely the 2nd Street project is exactly the sort of infill project that most Davisites preferred when they voted overwhelmingly to defeat the sprawling peripheral DISC project. I for one have no objection to it.

Will someone object? No doubt. Name me one issue that all Davisites agree on. I am guessing that there is no such issue.

But that isn't really the point of the "Editors choice" comment, is it? The point is to denigrate Davisites who dare to raise objections to developer's projects. Or maybe it's just to denigrate Davisites more generally.

So, I ask again, why would the Editors choose to reprint this comment in the newspaper? Is this the sort of discourse that the Davis Enterprise wants to promote? And if so, why?

We can do better and so can the Davis Enterprise.


A part-time member of the "usual suspects" (Ron O)

Excellent point, Roberta:

"But that isn't really the point of the "Editors choice" comment, is it? The point is to denigrate Davisites who dare to raise objections to developer's projects."

It's not really about "knowing it all" - at all.

It's about having views that are different than what the "establishment" constantly pushes.


Well said, Roberta.

I'm so tired of all the different versions of "Davis people challenge everything because they think they're so smart."

I see it as giving a damn. And once we lose that, we lose everything.

Roberta L. Millstein

Thanks, Ron and Darell. Indeed, the establishment does not like to hear different views expressed, and yes, the day we stop giving a damn will be a very sad day all around. If people want to point fingers at those who give a damn, well, then, I am guilty as charged.

Alan C. Miller

RM: "But that isn't really the point of the "Editors choice" comment, is it? The point is to denigrate Davisites who dare to raise objections to developer's projects. Or maybe it's just to denigrate Davisites more generally."

et tu, D. Enté ? I thought denigrating Davisites was the purvue of the Davis Vanguard :-|

Colin Walsh

The Enterprise also refused to run a letter I wrote about Dan Carson misusing his City Council Email. They are defenitly picking and choosing what they want to run.

Anne Hawke

I agree! The Enterprise refused to publish my scathing letter on Carson and Partida during the last election— and now those two are still up to their old ways- a study group to find money to fix our roads and pathways- typical “kick the can down the road” mentality- instead of getting to work! It’s called a bank loan, people🤪🤓
Anne Hawke
By the way- why was Carson chosen?? He has proved he’s worthless! He lost!!

Alan C. Miller

Why was Carson 'chosen' for what?

Roberta L. Millstein

Here is the Editors' choice comment from yesterday's paper:

"It's one night therefore minimal impact. Things have gotten a little out of hand with some of this silliness."

[concerning the question of whether to discontinue fireworks at the annual 4th of July celebration]

So, it really does just seem like the Editors want to pick out quotes that belittle Davisites.

As for the minimal impact of one night, I am curious to know how the author of the comment would feel to being exposed to something that caused him that much terror, but only once per year, for the enjoyment of others.

Roberta L. Millstein

See edit above -- the letter finally appeared in the 12 Feb 2023 print edition, but I never saw it online (and can't find it when I search).

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