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September 2024

Reminder: Palomino Place meeting, Wed Sep 11, 7 PM

As mentioned in this earlier post:

On September 11, 2024, starting at 7:00 PM, the City of Davis Planning Commission is scheduled to conduct a public meeting to solicit input and comments from public agencies and the general public on the Draft SEIR for the Palomino Place Project. This meeting will be held at the City of Davis Community Chambers, located at 23 Russell Boulevard, Davis, CA 95616.

There will be no transcription of oral comments at these meetings. Comments received will be summarized by staff for inclusion in the Final EIR. Those who wish to have their verbatim comments incorporated in the Final EIR must submit their comments in writing.

Biberstein Social Action Fund Applications available

22nd Annual Request for Proposals—Proposals due September 27, 2024

(From press release) Nonprofit organizations are invited to submit applications to the Biberstein Social Action Fund for grants in support of projects addressing poverty, discrimination, abuse and neglect, and the promotion of social justice in Yolo County.

The Biberstein Social Action Fund was established in 2002 by the Board of Directors of Congregation Bet Haverim to honor Ernie and Hannah Biberstein, who are among the founding members of CBH, and who devoted much of their lives to community service and social justice. Hannah passed away in April 2011. This is the 22nd Anniversary of the Fund.

The goal of the annual awards made from the Biberstein Social Action Fund is to help Yolo County organizations in their efforts to meet unfulfilled needs. Special consideration is given to new and/or innovative projects.

An annual Call for Proposals is released each Fall. Grants ranging from $500 to $2,000 are awarded in December. The Biberstein Fund members review the proposals. Current Biberstein Fund members include Congregation Bet Haverim partners Ernie Biberstein, Amy Abramson, Anne Gieseke, Sandy Jones, Joan Sublett, Shoshana Zatz, and Rabbis Bess Wohlner and Jeremy Simons.

Information about the Biberstein Award, including a link to the application, is available on the CBH website: https://www.bethaverim.org/engage/committees/biberstein-social-action-fund/

Grant proposals must be submitted no later than September 27, 2024. Questions may be directed to the Biberstein Social Action Fund at: [email protected]. Awards will be announced in December 2024.

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New Plan to Micromanage City Commissions Isn’t Good Government (Or Legal)

Commission-Task-Memo-ATT-Flow-ChartBy Dan Carson and Elaine Roberts Musser

Mayor Josh Chapman and Councilmember Bapu Vaitla recently began asking city commissioners for feedback on a proposal for “clarification of how items are placed on a commission meeting agenda.”  Chapman and Vaitla did not invite the public at large to weigh in on their proposal, but we feel compelled to do so in the public interest.

To sum up, we recommend jettisoning this illegal and ill-conceived plan. It would empower even a single councilmember to micromanage and indefinitely block any commission-initiated proposal they didn’t like for any reason whatsoever. There are far better alternatives to promote teamwork and collaboration between the City Council and the city’s expert volunteer citizen commissioners.

Current city policy allows commissions free reign to work on pretty much anything they want as long as it is consistent with the written charter established for them. Once a commission has explored a policy matter, the city’s Commission Handbook says it may submit items to the Council to be placed on the Council agenda for   its consideration.

The Chapman-Vaitla plan, summarized in a flow chart [see graphic at the beginning of the article], overrides those policies. The Council and the city staff could continue to place items on commission agendas. Yet, in a big change, proposals initiated by a commission would now be subject to review and veto -- by either any relevant council subcommittee (two councilmembers) or that commission’s assigned Council liaison (typically one councilmember).The Chapman-Vaitla plan says these new rules would apply whenever the council wished to “undertake a particular task/project/discussion.”  In other words, almost anything and everything a commission might ever want to do would be subject to veto by one councilmember. The Council and city staff would dictate what a commission can or cannot do, but the commission itself would have absolutely no control over its work. This is bizarre and extremely unwise.

Continue reading "New Plan to Micromanage City Commissions Isn’t Good Government (Or Legal)" »

Three free public Election 2024 forums this month from League of Women Voters

(From press release) The League of Women Voters of Davis Area (LWVDA) offers three free public Election 2024 forums this month.

On Tuesday, September 24, 7pm, LWVDA hosts a ballot issue forum on ”Measure Q: City of Davis Essential Services”, with a one-hour Zoom presentation.” As proposed, Measure Q “adopts a new local transaction and use tax ordinance” that increases the sales tax by 1% (one cent on every dollar) to fund “City determined general governmental purposes”. Donna Neville and Josh Chapman offer the “Yes on Measure Q” campaign position while Elaine Roberts Musser and Alan Pryor will provide the “No on Measure Q” position. An audience Q&A will follow.

To learn more and receive the Zoom link, sign up on-line at: https://lwvmeasureqforum.eventbrite.com

On Thursday, September 26, LWVDA presents two live, in-person Candidate forums at the Davis City Council Chambers, 23 Russell Blvd. At 6-7pm, the Davis Joint Unified School District (DJUSD) Trustee Area 2 Candidate Forum features candidates, Lea Darrah (incumbent) and challenger Elizabeth (Lizzy) Griffith. At 7:30-9pm, the Davis City Council District 2 Candidate Forum features candidates Linda Deos, Dillan Horton and Victor Lagunes vying for the district’s open seat. League forums provide an opportunity for all candidates to present their qualifications and priorities to voters. Opening statements are followed by questions prepared by League members and an audience Q&A.

To attend one or both of these in-person events, the public is encouraged to sign up at https://lwvdavisboearea2forum.eventbrite.com for the DJUSD Forum and https://lwvdavisdistrict2forum.eventbrite.com for the Davis City Council Forum, as space is limited.

September 2024 forums are co-sponsored, recorded and live streamed by Davis Media Access (DMA). Following these events, recordings remain hosted online by LWVDA https://tinyurl.com/2apus8nm and DMA https://tinyurl.com/2zvv8jm2 until Election Day.

The League’s public election events seek to promote ballot awareness and informed voter participation. Attendance is free, however, the League welcomes both on-line and in-person donations to help support ongoing voter service activities. More information about these and other 2024 LWVDA voter service events can be found at: https://lwvdavisarea.org

Palomino Place Project receiving comments on environmental impact report until Sep 23

By Roberta Millstein

Screen Shot 2024-09-02 at 1.29.22 PMA Davisite reader sent me the following information.  Until that point, I hadn't realized that comments were being sought on the environmental impact report for the proposed Palomino Place Project, so I thought I would share the information with other Davisites, too.  I haven't seen anything in the Davis Enterprise or Vanguard about it (though it is possible I just missed it).

Apparently, the draft Subsequent EIR ("subsequent" to the EIR from 2009) for the Palomino Place Project has been available since early August. Comments on the draft are due September 23. Comments would typically point out errors, inconsistencies, omissions of data or analyses, conclusions not based on evidence, or failures to provide discussion required by CEQA.

As the post below indicates, there is also a public meeting about the project on Sep. 11.

City link to Palomino Place documents:


Draft Subsequent EIR released August 2024:


Notice of Availability (NOA) of Palomino Place Subsequent EIR:


Continue reading "Palomino Place Project receiving comments on environmental impact report until Sep 23" »

Letter: Support Measure Q

IFJD masthead

Measure Q is a 1% sales tax that has been sponsored by the Davis City Council for the November ballot and is expected to provide approximately $11,000,000 annually for general government use.    The council cannot commit to using the funds for any specific purpose.  However, the council has shared that these funds could be directed to infrastructure, emergency response, climate resilience, addressing homelessness and affordable housing among other things.

Interfaith Housing Justice Davis (IHJD) is an alliance of faith groups in Davis that supports the full spectrum of housing, including providing shelter to the unhoused, affordable rental housing for low and moderate incomes and offering for-purchase opportunities for 1st time home buyers.  We envision a Housing Trust fund (HTF) that can help our city address these housing imperatives. 

IHJD understands that passing Measure Q will not solve the affordable housing crisis in Davis but is the first step to developing a funding stream for the Housing Trust Fund.  IHJD and the greater Davis community must then press our council to fund the HTF in an ongoing and significant fashion.  If well-funded, our HTF could be the vehicle by which we provide programs that assist our fellow Davisites to stay housed, provide down payment assistance programs to get young families into Davis and to provide the gap funding needed by nonprofit affordable housing builders to build more affordable units.

Please join IHJD in supporting Measure Q and use your voice to advocate for funding the HTF.