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Tone Deaf Department? Christmas Sirens - Ho Ho Humbug

Three fire trucks pass through a small town neighborhood, with eerie sirens, warning lights, and amplified voice warning.  It is actually a failed attempt to lift spirits by amplifying "Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho", but the townspeople think it's an emergency because they can't hear the words so they cower in fear in their houses

The sirens on the night of Wednesday the 18th sounded eerie and odd. The emergency vehicles weren't moving fast. A muffled, highly amplified voice penetrated the foggy night. Was it an evacuation, a flood, a wall of fire, a killer on the loose? I hadn't heard such confusing and scary chaos in Davis since the evening Natalie Corona was killed.

I ran outside and saw three emergency vehicles in the distance winding slowly onto my street a few blocks north, then slowly winding off of it. The muffled warnings continued, inaudible and invoking concern. None of this was helped by the sonically-delayed echoes of the sirens and muffled voice off the recently-constructed 5-story student apartments behind me.

I ran towards the vehicles, hoping to hear what the emergency was and what we should do. Finally I heard:  "Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas".

First of all, I'm Jewish. But no, I was not offended by the lack of a menorah on the hood.  Celebrate Christmas all y'all want.

But I have rarely experienced such a display of tone-deaf foolishness from a local government entity. I mean, nothing says "Peace on Earth" like sirens and emergency lights and what sounded like an amplified public emergency warning. You already got your Davis-subsidized ladder-truck because y'all were awarded for not cooperating with UC's fire department, and now you want a new fire station and the rebuilding of another.

To gain public respect and support please considering how some residents of Davis may react to a "well meaning" act that included the extended presence of emergency vehicles, emergency lights, sirens and amplified warnings in our neighborhoods.

Bah Humbug

Three fire trucks pass through a small town neighborhood, with eerie sirens, warning lights, and amplified voice warning.  It is actually a failed attempt to lift spirits by amplifying "Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho", but the townspeople think it's an emergency because they can't hear the words so they cower in fear in their houses Three fire trucks pass through a small town neighborhood, with eerie sirens, warning lights, and amplified voice warning.  It is actually a failed attempt to lift spirits by amplifying "Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho", but the townspeople think it's an emergency because they can't hear the words so they cower in fear in their houses



I had no idea this was occurring. It is inappropriate at best and a danger at worst to use emergency lights and sirens for social or celebratory reasons. Should we decorate the downtown Christmas tree with caution tape next year?

Lights and sirens need to be instantly recognized as an emergency situation.

Alan C. Miller

DDD, I was also informed a fire truck went down the street in downtown with Santa on it waving a few days later. I have no problem with this.]

I would be happy to hear from the fire department and find out I am wrong about this or misinterpreted what was going on. I'm still not believing it happened. But a friend who was nearer said he heard the sirens and muffled voice within his house and wondered what was going on

Eileen Samitz

Regarding the City wanting another new Fire Station at the Village Farms site is ridiculous because 90% of the Davis Fire Department calls are medical, NOT fire related. Fire related calls are only 10% or less! So, the solution is a n Emergency Medical Service (EMS) which would cost a fraction of what an entire new Fire Station would cost and supporting it.

A dedicated EMS service makes far more sense than a new fire station since a new fire station which would cost Davis residents at least $14 million just to build and then the millions that we would need to pay long-term for staffing, equipment and operational costs. Plus and EMS service could be located anywhere along Covell to the east since it would have such a very small footprint, compared to a fire station.

Further, how on earth could a fire truck get onto Covell Blvd. in the heavy traffic there, particularly during rush hours? How could a fire possible turn and get across the divider to go east int that area on Covell between Pole Line Road and F St.?

Another new fire station makes absolutely no sense especially given the fact that the City's fiscal situation is in the bad shape it is.

Tuvia etc.

I've written to the fire department and relevant commissions about requiring fire blankets in the kitchens of rental housing.

No response.

The program could have a mascot who could appear at the various activities around town next year.

South of Davis


If you want a fire blanket you can get one for about $20 at Walmart:
If city reuired them in all rental units they would need to hire at least two more FTE firefighters to inspect multiple times a year to make sure the almost 10,000 apartment units in town had the fire blanket you want them to have. Why just ask for fire blankets when a restaurant style kitchen fire sprinkler system in each unit would work even better (and we could also require the landlords to buy each tenant an electric bike and pay for charging them)...

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