This is Al's Corner - A Place to comment on Local Stuff, free from the censorship of biased people.
Free speech rocks! Recent happenings at Netflix & Twitter give hope that Cancel Culture in the U.S. is dying. Recent happenings in Davis local media . . . not so much. Al's Corner is a place to speak your mind on all things Davis, even as other local forums become more exclusive, more moderated, and more noisier echo chambers that don't welcome dissent, recognize humor, or allow 'incorrect' opinions. That's why I created Al's corner -- comment here on local media content and comments, without having to deal with the Thought Police.
The simple rules at Al's Corner are:
- Doxx no one;
- No personal attacks on individuals who aren't public figures [wider but not unlimited berth for public figures; i.e. you can insult their leadership skills or judgement, but not their weight];
- No critical comments on stuff known to be written by children; i.e. those 17 and under - everyone else is an adult.
- Post the Subject clearly;
- Reference the source, article title, and date if commenting on an article from another source;
- If you are quoting a comment from another source, further note the comment author and time of posting. On the rare occasions I mod a comment, I'll email the commenter, explain why, and the commenter can repost. I will NOT disappear your comment, tell you to figure it out yourself, and then give you advice on when to plant your azaleas.
NOTE 1: Comments are published when I get around to it! You are not being censored; rather, I have other priorities besides your comment. This also means it won't be a real-time conversation, so post accordingly.
NOTE 2: If someone posts something insensitive/offensive and not directed at an individual, they are their own worst enemy and can hang themselves with the noose of their own words in full view of God and their fellow human beings.
I'll refresh with a new Al's Corner space once-a-week-ish, or as needed when things get cluttered. Enjoy expressing yourself at Al's corner. It'll be a gas.
-- Al, of Al's Corner (gasoline tanker not included)