Open Discussion: Bob Dunning Terminated by Davis Enterprise Owners (an Al's Corner Exclusive)
May 09, 2024
In a bozo move by the owners of the Davis Enterprise, Bob Dunning was terminated without so much as a thank you after 55 years of service to the paper (and Davis).
Shelley Dunning pays a very sweet tribute in a 7-minute video on her Facebook page:
She also outlines how cold the termination was. I doubt that will sit well with the Davis community.
Bob's column will continue at:
Please share your thoughts here in comments regarding this poorly-handled move by the owners of the Davis Enterprise.
Full disclosure: Bob Dunning once wrote a column about how I should be on the City Council :-|
Note: Pardon the pictured haircut, Bob, this is what A.I. gave me when I described the incident!