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UCD Grade Strike Starts Thursday

Screen shot 2020-02-26 at 4.35.10 PM(from press release) Dear Davis community,

Tonight at our General Assembly, we agreed to move forward in solidarity with the wildcats in Santa Cruz and see through our demands for a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). On Thursday, February 27, Davis graduate students will begin a grade strike for the Winter quarter to demand a COLA and to call on the University of California to rescind its threats of retaliation against wildcat strikers at UC Santa Cruz.

A grading strike is the withholding of grades by Teaching Assistants (TAs) designed to disrupt the everyday functioning of the University.

We will be releasing more information, resources, and FAQs in the coming days. Please check out our website and follow our social media for all of that.

This is coming off several weeks of action around the UC system. Over the weekend, the wildcat strikers at Santa Cruz put out a call to action for strikes to begin at other campuses. UCSC EVC Lori Kletzer scrambled to offer concessions, including an extension of the grading deadline to this Thursday, February 27 and an entirely inadequate annual stipend of $2,500. In response, UC Santa Barbara graduate students took the next step and voted to launch a full strike starting Thursday.

Tonight, Davis decided to join in and #SpreadTheStrike!

No COLA? No grades!

In solidarity,
Take Action

Meet the Santa Cruz Wildcats

We are still working out details, but we are planning a meeting with strike organizers from Santa Cruz. They will doing a report from the picket line and will be sharing information on how to spread the strike to other campuses. This is tentatively planned for Monday evening.

Join us next Wednesday for a Strike Info Session

More details to be announced (including location). Please plan for 6pm on Wednesday, March 4.


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