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Davis is Home of Northern California's Zombie Bike Ride!

Graphic(From press release) On Sunday, October 31st between 12pm–3pm ride along the Davis Bike Loop and encounter Zombies, brought to you by The Davis Odd Fellows Lodge, The Bike Campaign and nearly 70 sponsors, collaborators and media partners!

DancersWe are delighted to be partnered with Bike City Theatre Company and their team of sketch writers, directors and actors to provide an unforgettable experience! Join us for fun, laughs, photo ops, and a Mirror Image Dance Company Thriller performance!

SkydivingTHAT'S NOT ALL – Watch zombies fall from the sky, compliments of Skydance Skydiving (details to come)! Finally, join our after party in downtown Davis at Davis Common, at 500 1st Street, where attendees can enjoy a live DJ as well as a fantastic array of food, drink and dessert options from 3:30-5:30pm. Then it is time for the kids to trick-or-treat ? at dozens of downtown businesses!

There are NO ADMISSION FEES. This is a FREE community event. There is no starting or ending point for the bike ride. Riders can hop on the Davis Bike Loop at any location and ride in either direction. Details on Skydance Skydiving's zombie skydiving performance to come.

Intense HALLOWEEN COSTUMES ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED. We have 25+ prizes available for individuals and groups wearing costumes we love! A shoutout to Yoloberry Yogurt for their generous donation of gift cards!

RideWHAT RIDERS CAN EXPECT: Socially Distanced Community Bike Ride, Professional Theatre Company Halloween Actors, Zombie Bike Mechanics Performing FREE Bike Repairs, Professional Photography at Designated Areas, Awards for Best Costumes, Commemorative Glow-in-the-dark T-shirts for Purchase & MORE!

FamiliesAll proceeds from our event go to Norcal Trykers, a non-profit that creates custom tricycles for children with special needs. Each year the Davis Odd Fellows and The Bike Campaign work with local sponsors to raise enough money for the creation of 6 custom tricycles—YEESSS!!!

Visit http://www.zombiebikeparade.com to view our route map and learn more about this epic event.

Submitted by Aaron Wedra of the Davis Odd Fellows.


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