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Maureen Carson's Role as a Nextdoor Reviewer

Letter: Shout-out to Kelsey Fortune

KelseyI'm not endorsing any candidates this election but I just wanted to give a long overdue shout-out to Kelsey Fortune for re-purposing No on H Signs for her campaign by covering them with her compostable campaign signs. You can see the "downside" of the ecological option, but to me the action speaks louder than the durability of the compostable signs ;)

When I ran for Yolo County Supervisor in 2018, I advocated for a "great lawn sign truce of Davis" where all candidates would agree to stop printing lawn signs that end up in the landfill and are made with toxic materials that can take up to a century to break down but alas, the allure of advertising won the day for many candidates.

In this City Council race where each candidate has expressed their hard-fought advocacy for the environment (very trendy in election season, less trendy when it comes to taking meaningful action while in office), nothing speaks more clearly than principled actions they are taking to proverbially speaking, put their money where their mouth is.

And if you were still looking for a clear signal of where the candidates stand on Measure H, and how they might engage in future development proposals, look no further than what's right in front of our eyes.

David Abramson


Tuvia ben Avraham Aharon ve Sima Rivka

L'chaim, bubeleh!

Just as much as Davis politicians should grok eco- they should understand a level playing field: If one candidate doesn't have lawn signs, none of them do. In addition to the pollution aspect, there's the cost, and not everyone can afford the same amount of this stuff. Further, owners of residential properties have formal control of lawn signs on complex grounds, just not windows of tenants. But only some windows face the street and many can only be seen by a few neighbors. While in some cases owners of residential houses may leave their tenants to decide on posters, it's not generally the case for complexes.

In sum the freedom to and actual display of posters is biased towards owners and wealthier people and entities. So very un-"Davis"!! Perhaps people can borrow or rent candidate Partida's Glorious Self-Proclaimed Lens of Equity (TM) and grok the frack out of how fracking facked this fack is.

BUT as in all things "Davis", keep in mind that the town symbol is of an anti-egalitarian anachronism that was likely hardly ever used in the area - the highwheeler's heyday was nearly 40 years before Davisville became Davis, and x number of years before Davis became "Davis". So based on this hocus pocus of a bad interpretation of philosophy, it's no wonder that hypocrisy here is as wet as the original path of the Putah Creek is dry.

Ron O

Excellent comment from (I'm not going to try to repeat that name).

I especially like the Putah creek reference.

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