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Sign the Petition to block I-80 Yolo Widening

Will Arnold labels I-80 insanity but other won’t join him

By Alan Hirsch

At the January 9th council meeting, Councilman Will Arnold read Caltrans policy guidance to local districts offices. It states flatly freeway widenings don’t work and are contrary to state climate change plan.  He then said it was “the definition of...  insanity” to try widening one more time.  Arnold is a former high level Caltrans employee.

But in the city council did NOT support Arnold and the transit option and oppose widening due to abstentions by Gloria Partida (“I’m not sure” i.e.-we may need toll revenue) and Donn Neville (“I need more information”) .

Find the petition at:

Why this petition matters

Here are the undisputed facts about the I-80 Freeway widening:

  1. It is likely to increase congestion through “induced traffic.”
  2. It will reduce incentives for people to take transit or carpool.
  3. It is likely to add 495,000 vehicle miles traveled daily.
  4. It is likely to increase GHG emissions by > 79,000 tons annually, or 14% of Davis citywide emissions.
  5. It will potentially increase congestion on surrounding roads such as Mace.

So why are $465,000,000 dollars being used for a freeway widening near Davis?

  • Many local Davis politicians think freeway widening will be popular among constituents.
  • They don't care that this won't solve traffic congestion.
  • They don’t care that this will increase CO2 emissions.
  • Many elected members of the Yolo Transportation District are more excited to collect freeway tolls than consider their other options.

They argue that freeway widening is the only option since it has been supported by a starter grant from the Federal Government and local business interests. Who lobbied so this money be earmarked so it can only be use for a widening? And where in Yolo County will we find the missing $50 million a year - into perpetuity-- for mitigation costs?

For why your voice really matters RIGHT NOW, read Dr. Amy Lee's recent UCD dissertation. She says that local politicians push through freeway widenings against the advice of experts and California state guidelines, and that we locals are well positioned to stop this pattern.

Lee, A. E. (2023). The Policy and Politics of Highway Expansions. UC Davis.  ProQuest ID: Lee_ucdavis_0029D_22550. Merritt ID: ark:/13030/m58q6vxt. Retrieved from


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