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URGENT: Attend Suisun City Council Meeting Discussion on Expanding City Limits


Suisun City, Suisun City’s sphere of influence and Flannery Associates land parcels. Map by Solano Together using QGIS. Datasources: OSM Standard, MTC/ABAG Data Library, Solano County parcel data



Nate Huntington 
Solano Together Coalition

This Tuesday, January 21, at 6:30 p.m., we urge you to attend the City of Suisun Council Meeting, where there will be a discussion on potentially expanding Suisun City limits.

What? Suisun City Council Meeting
When? TODAY - Tuesday, January 21, at 6:30 p.m.
Where? Suisun City Council Chambers, 701 Civic Center Boulevard, Suisun City, CA – or
Zoom Meeting Information:
MEETING ID: 829 2890 4906
CALL IN PHONE NUMBER: (707) 438-1720


Late Friday evening, the City of Suisun City released the agenda for today’s City Council meeting. Agenda item number 17 is inconspicuously titled, “Vision for Suisun City: Building Resilience and Expanding Opportunities.” This appears to be a plan by the City of Suisun to annex land owned by California Forever and work with them to develop outside of existing city limits. California Forever is continuing their secretive, behind closed doors approach even after committing to a public process.

In the agenda packet, starting on page 179, the item discusses the city’s economic “Resiliency Plan” and suggests “the Resiliency Plan’s ultimate success depends on increasing the city’s population and strategically expanding its boundaries.”

Here is a map that shows Suisun City’s existing city limits (blue), the City’s “sphere of influence” (red/orange), and properties owned by Flannery Associates aka California Forever near the city of the Suisun (hashed). As you can see, much of the land that Suisun wants to annex is owned by Flannery Associates, the investor group behind California Forever, and is currently zoned as agricultural land.

Today, the Council will decide whether to move forward with staff’s recommendation to further explore these annexation opportunities and collaborate with “regional partners” to achieve these goals.

We need to send a clear message that more backhand deals to convert agricultural and grazing lands to sprawl development is not what Solano needs.

Make your voice heard by attending the meeting tonight–in-person or on Zoom–and making a public comment (typically 1-2 minutes). You can also submit a letter by 4:00 p.m. (see agenda below).

Talking Points 

  • Urge City Council to halt discussions on expanding city limits outlined in the Resiliency Plan.

  • It is not transparent to present this information without clearly identifying existing partners. 

  • This is not the manner to solve a budget crisis. Sprawl comes with increased costs for infrastructure and services, which strains existing communities and exacerbates budgetary challenges.

  • Highway-12 already has awful traffic. Developing along Highway-12 to the east of Suisun City would make traffic much worse and likely put Suisun on the hook for additional infrastructure upgrades.

  • Agricultural lands are worth preserving due to their importance for the local economy, food systems, and land stewardship.

  • Reiterate that development this close to Travis Air Force Base threatens encroachment, as suggested by Solano County’s Airport Land Use Commission

  • Suisun City should focus on developing the Downtown Specific Plan and development around the Amtrak station instead of converting agricultural lands.

Important thing to ask:

  • Who are the “potential development partners” listed in the agenda packet? How long have these conversations been taking place?

  • Who would pay for these development costs and additional impacts on Suisun?

  • What kind of new assessments or taxes might come with this?

  • How would this impact Suisun’s Waterfront district and existing neighborhoods?

Make your voice heard!

Show up tonight at 6:30 p.m. You can find the address and the Zoom information for the meeting here. Spread the word by sharing, forwarding, and inviting people you know in Suisun City.


Ron O

I figured these guys weren't giving up.

But wouldn't there be some yahoos who ask whether or not you live in Suisun City, if you care about this issue? Sort of the opposite of NIMBYism?

Alan C. Miller

These clowns are evil. You can argue yes/no on Nishi, Village Farms, etc. -- those at least are adjacent growth to existing towns. Solano County has rules that growth will only be in existing towns. So these clowns are doing every end-run possible to build their utopian hellscape plan. Now they are trying to bribe (spiritually or monetarily or providing escorts in Vegas or just the power and prestige of endless suburbs) the City of Suisun. Why shouldn't the booby prize go to Rio Vista? It's closer, much closer. Anyway, the real booby prize goes to *all of us*, as their transportation plan is sh*t. They should at least rebuild the Sacramento Northern railroad that runs through their property so people can commute and travel without a car to both Sacramento and San Francisco. But no, they talk a green talk while pooping a green poop. Highway 12 is a hellscape aleready. Are they going to build it to an interstate? No, they want to have an exterior parking area -- which will do nothing green, and won't actually happen. Fool us, shame on us! Shame on you! Clowns! F-ing Clowns!!!

Tuvia etc

The following was a public post by Jim DeKloe on the California ForNever Facebook Group:

"OK, a lot of fireworks at the Suisun City Council last night. The discussion item involved should the City Council empower the City Manager to explore expansion of the boundaries of Suisun City and talk to anyone and any landowner who might be interested in being annexed. In the map that Steve Ferreira provided, it's the red part. In a way I don't blame the city manager Brett Prebula - city managers are trained to plan cities, love to plan cities, and he's ambitious and wants to plan a new city. And in a way I don't blame the City Council of a cash-strapped city (BTW they all are) for simple mindedly thinking that expansion might provide them with cash. But once again I am very proud of the citizens of Solano County who stood up and made all of the right points (with a 3 minute time limit on comments). And I do mind that there was an undercurrent of subterfuge and lack of transparency all night long - "let me once again remind the speakers that this is about expansion of Suisun and not about California Forever" said the mayor after every speaker. But the landowners right in the path are California Forever - everyone in the room knew it - so every speaker ignored her. The speakers in favor of empowering the City Manager all basically said "we need money and what could it hurt to look at this?" or "you would be shirking your duty not looking at this." The speakers against made technical points (and it was as if the speakers had coordinated their presentation: Nate from the Greenbelt Alliance pointed out that this is a typical pattern where developers exploit cash strapped cities. Everyone pointed out that California Forever is a [emoji] and not to be trusted. Duane Kromm pointed out the conflicts with Travis Air Force Base connected with the whole area in the path of potential annexation. They mouthed the words "of course we are going to protect Travis" or "the protection of Travis is formally in our General Plan." I pointed out the obvious: "you can protect Travis or you can go forward with this - you can't do both." Several speakers made the point that growth doesn't pay for itself. High growth cities are in even more dire financial straits and must go again and again to their constituents for passing new taxes and bonds. They chase the upfront development fees, but those pay for providing services to the last annexation, and then the new development needs services, so they chase a new annexation - and never catch up. A speaker pointed out that the Mayor had been seen in the County building with Mitch Mashburn and Jan Sramek last week and she got incensed and said, "I'll address that lie later" and later said something cryptic, something like "yes I went to that meeting but when I got there I say Mitch was there and since we are both on LAFCO and both on STA I didn't think it was appropriate for both of us to be in the meeting and BTW I would not be fulfilling my duties if I wasn't talking to them" - something like that. OK, so it wasn't a lie. In the end she took a massive cheap shot at Princess Washington "I want to point out that in a newsletter that Solano Together put out it mentions Princess Washington who is working for the Greenbelt Alliance and that this isn't a conflict of interest." Princess Washington said, "I work HR for the non-profit Greenbelt Alliance and I am not involved in their policy or advocacy office." The Mayor said, "I know that and that's why it isn't a conflict of interest." If it isn't a conflict of interest then why did you even bring it up? Anyway, the whole meeting had an icky feel - "let's be transparent but then let's empower the City Manager to work behind the scenes." But it also had a triumphant feel - the citizens showed up (public comment went on for a few hours) and (almost) no one rambled and made technical points. And in the end I was very, very impressed with Princess Washington - she had a good command of the technical aspects, a good feel for the politics, a great advocacy for the feelings of her constituents, and in the end voted the right way. They tried to verbally beat her up - so if you see her, give her a hug or pat on the back. It's important to have these voices being represented, even if they are going to be outvoted 4-1; the points that they make become part of the public record. So that's my take - it moves forward, but behind the scenes."

Ron O

Not to worry - the tech billionaires behind "California ForeNever" might still be able to land their helicopters on the nearby island (below).

Purchased for $150K, asking $75 million (and now down to $40 million). But being auctioned-off today, for a number that will likely be far-below that.

This is an example of the reason that government agencies exist. And it somewhat restores my faith in California agencies, in particular.

Ron O

Not to worry - the tech billionaires behind "California ForeNever" might still be able to land their helicopters on the nearby island (below).

Purchased for $150K, asking $75 million (and now down to $40 million). But being auctioned-off today, for a number that will likely be far-below that.

This is an example of the reason that government agencies exist. And it somewhat restores my faith in California agencies, in particular.

South of Davis

Allen wrote:

> Now they are trying to bribe (spiritually or monetarily or
> providing escorts in Vegas

When Billionaires want to "get things done" they don't just provide "escorts" they provide "underage escorts" (that are 17 but look 24). That is how they get what they want (and why we will never see the "Epstein Island Guest List"). If anyone just thinks politics is "messy" they are wrong and it is way way worse than most people can even imagine...


(and why we will never see the "Epstein Island Guest List")

That blows me away that they haven't and probably never will release the complete list. Why do we the people allow them to hide this?

Ron O

Thanks for posting the comment from Facebook, Todd.

I don't know how/why a particular type of person (referring to the mayor's comments) always seem to gravitate toward politics, or if it's the system itself which ensures that those are the only type of people who can generate campaign (financial) support - thereby locking out anyone who has a different point of view. I suspect it's "both".

And of course, she's on LAFCO as well. I wonder who those other two people she referred to, are (Mitch Mashburn, and Jan Sramek).

By the way, is it just "me" who is saddened by the destruction of the valley between Vacaville and Fairfield)? There was an effort to save it, but it was squashed by the same type of local politicians.

Truth be told, the valley isn't yet enlightened-enough to put a stop to this, as the Bay Area (largely) did decades ago. But even there, the war is never over. It's essentially a game of never-ending "whack a mole", but the moles are now wearing a YIMBY costume. If those type of folks were in charge of land use decisions decades ago, there would be housing on the Marin Headlands, for example. They certainly tried to do so, at that time.

Ron O

Excellent article today regarding the Suisun city council's decision to "explore" the possibility of annexing land that California Forever "happens to own".

It's pretty clear that the mayor is supportive of California Forever, and that there's a distinct possibility that there will be an attempt to bypass the California Orderly Growth Initiative. (Reminds me of what happened with Mace Ranch, and possibly Village Farms - in regard to Measure J.)

What we have here (as usual) is a case of the "fox guarding the henhouse".

Ever notice how there's NEVER a discussion regarding "how" cities get themselves into fiscal problems in the first place?

Alan C. Miller

RO say: "By the way, is it just "me" who is saddened by the destruction of the valley between Vacaville and Fairfield)? There was an effort to save it, but it was squashed by the same type of local politicians."

Not only saddened, disgusted. I was part of a group 30 years that was fighting to save this valley. The group was called, "Friends of Lagoon Valley" and was a grassroots group based in Vacaville. Earlier projects were not built, but "Friends" seemed to falter, and their 'activism' was transferred to "Solano County Land Trust", I believe that was the name, and that organization, God Curse their souls, made a deal to basically set aside some land elsewhere to 'preserve' (probably land that never would have been built on - that's how it usually goes), and then allowed development of Lagoon Valley. Essentially, these batards sold us out, and actually were the lube in getting the place they were supposed to save developed. F*ck you, Solano Land Trust.

If I got any of those facts wrong I'm glad to hear it, but I don't think I did.

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